One reader wrote:
Dr. Sircus, you list the following: “Magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), selenium, sulfur, iodine, glutathione and vitamin C in your most recent post and then claim, “Every one of the above medicines can be used to great advantage.” Since when are the minerals selenium, sulfur, iodine classified as “medicines”—or glutathione, which is made naturally in the human body? People think of medicines as the poisons produced by the pharmaceutical professions and minerals, vitamins, etc. as natural substances provided by God. Could you please explain your use of the word “medicines” in the same context with vitamins and minerals?
The very reason I named my medical approach “Natural Allopathic Medicine” answers this question. Very few doctors will get on the horn and tell everyone how wonderful magnesium salts are in the emergency room because it is a substance taken directly from the sea. Legally if you inject magnesium salts or administer them intravenously, they are considered a medicine and you need a medical license to perform such procedures. Magnesium is used as a medicine because it is a medicine, though we could call it a medicinal. Magnesium chloride actually is a concentrate of seawater, which itself makes a great emergency room medicine.
During World War II, Navy doctors would useseawater for blood transfusions whenblood supplies ran out and many lives were saved.
We create medicines when we concentrate things in nature. Pharmaceutical companies concentrate synthetic substances, which does not work out very well for patients in the end. Natural Allopathic Medicine concentrates elements from nature that are proven by scientists to offer powerful healing without toxic side effects.