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Very Cold Story – Warnings of What is Coming

Published on January 12, 2024

I started writing this essay as the year turned as warnings of extreme record-breaking cold and snow again make fools out of global warming fanatics, which unfortunately includes almost every politician, the entire news media, and most organizations throughout the civilized world in the West at least.

Thus, many, especially farmers now in Germany, want to get rid of their government not only because they do not care about them but also because the German government and governments throughout the West have lost their minds. Climate change has become a globalist religion of insanity. It is also scientific insanity, for CO2 is the most necessary gas and highly healthy. Without CO2, oxygen would not exist, not at a concentration supporting life on Earth. It is also political suicide, generating an end to Western civilization as we now know it.

Arctic sea ice extent is now the highest in 21 years since
2003, and that is because it is too warm at the North Pole?

Polar air has tanked temperatures to levels approaching -50C (-58F) over a wide area, prompting Environment Canada to issue extreme cold/Arctic outflow warnings for swaths of the Yukon and Northwest Territories, most of B.C., Saskatchewan, and all of Alberta. It is so cold ski áreas have had to close, and even too much snow is killing people skiers in avalanches.

On the 9th, we had early warnings of what was coming as a Freeze Warning was issued for most of Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley, Calabasas, Agoura Hills, the Santa Clarita Valley, and northern Ventura County, where temperatures could drop into the 20s, the Weather Service said. Antelope Valley could drop into the upper teens. Another Freeze Warning covered much of the Inland Empire. “Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation.”

Anchorage has officially received over 87 inches of snow this winter; the
highest ever recorded by this date and more than an entire season’s average.

What is happening this week in the States recently happened to Russia, where arctic conditions crashed into the entirety of its vast territory. The media and the government do not care one bit about reality. The truth to them is like a deadly disease and must be avoided at all costs. I wish everyone had infrared devices to keep them warm and the finances they need to keep their houses warm.

Americans Told To “Hunker Down”

Hunker down, be careful, check your neighbors” — is the official advice as Arctic Blast #1 enters the United States. The extreme cold will drive natural gas demand to record highs early next week, according to analysts’ forecasts, and test power grids as electricity demand soars and some gas supplies are cut due to freezing temperatures. Then, we will have Arctic Blast #2 taking us into February. So they still say 2023 was the warmest year in modern history; perhaps 2024 will be the coldest.

Speaking of the cold, the lowest temperatures up in Montana -so far- have run into the -40s (F), which equates to about 60F below normal. The Arctic blast will now slowly descend down the front range of the Rockies Friday and over the weekend.

Its important to remember a big freeze in Texas
and other Central states in Feb 2021 knocked out
power to millions for days and left over 700 people dead.

The following two weeks will feature multiple “powerhouse” storm systems and a full-blown Arctic Outbreak affecting the U.S. from coast to coast, snarling travel, buckling infrastructure, and threatening lives. The most recent prediction now has temperatures plunging a jaw-dropping -90F below average across Southern Canada and Montana this weekend before spilling further South to states such as Texas by Mon, January 15.

And if you think the arctic cold will go away anytime soon:

This Is Just The Begining As Sun Will Take A Holiday

And I am afraid to say that this is only the beginning, not only of a devastating winter but of much worse coming in the near future. NOAA, a governmental organization, warns that sunspots will diminish and disappear around the turn of this decade. That means increasing cold! Teeth will chatter, bones will be brittle from the cold, and many will be poorer at the expense of keeping warm—a warning: Instead of vaccinating, invest in infrared.

The government has said the upper atmosphere is cooling dramatically, andsolar activity will fall off a cliff starting in 2030, according to NOAA . Presently, NOAA reports about 108 sunspots for this month. By the end of the decade, that average will fall to about 40, and then in the years 2030 and 2032, we will be lucky to average 15 sunspots a month. After 2032, that average will plunge to about five a month. In 2034, maybe one a month, and after that, sunspots will drop off to almost zero. See NOAA’s site for the number of sunspots the United States government predicts.

Years having higher numbers of sunspots generally
correspond with warmer times on the Earth,
and lower numbers correspond with cooling temperatures.

The coldest temperatures in Earth’s atmosphere, about -90° C (-130° F), are found near the top of this layer. Around the North Pole, “the stratosphere has suddenly become very, very cold,” writes Dr. Tony Phillips. Around the North Pole, NASA satellites are registering temperatures less than -85 C, the threshold for forming rare polar stratospheric clouds (PSC). And now, for the first time, we are being warned that a stratospheric polar vortex will crash down on the heart of America and bring freezing temperatures right down to the Gulf Coast.

Weather models show the entire state of Texas below freezing next Monday and Tuesday. Wind chills are also expected to be brutal, with the weather service warning of “dangerously” low wind chill temperatures for much of the country.

Record Cold Everywhere

Finland and Sweden recorded the coldest winter temperatures on January 2 as thermometers plummeted to minus 40 degrees Celsius (minus 40 Fahrenheit) due to a cold spell prevailing in the Nordic region. In Nikkaluokta, a small village inhabited by the indigenous Sami people in northern Sweden, the thermometer showed minus 41.6 degrees (minus 42.8 Fahrenheit).

The next day, the coldest January temperature was recorded in Sweden in 25 years. In Kvikkjokk-Årrenjarka in Swedish Lapland, the mercury dropped to minus 43.6 C (minus 46.5 F). That certainly does not sound like a world on fire. Maybe CO2 is a cooling gas. It certainly is a healthy gas.

The weather -– cold with snow and gale-force winds — disrupted transportation throughout the Nordic region, with several bridges closed and some train and ferry services suspended. In the early hours of Friday, January 5, Finland’s Enontekiö airport registered a remarkable -44.3C (-47.7F). This is Finland’s lowest reading of the century and the lowest in all of Fennoscandia. It was so cold that even boiling water thrown in the air would freeze. It is so cold the electric buses are not working, crippling public transportation in certain areas that invested heavily in climate insanity.

More news of global warming. It was Antarctica’s second-coldest December on record. Vostok’s monthly average came in at -34.2C (-29.6F), which makes for another colder-than-average month and also the second-coldest December in books dating back to 1958, after December 1999, just pipping last year’s historically chilly -34.1C (-29.4F). Remember, it’s summer down there. We now have a historic, never-before-seen run of extreme summertime cold at the bottom of the world.

With her doctorate in astrophysics, Professor Valentina Zharkova has long emphasized that ‘global warming’ will become irrelevant in the next three decades during the modern Grand Solar Minimum, which she says started in 2020 and will last until 2053. “Starting after the active period of Solar Cycle 25, from the second half of this decade until the early 2050s, Earth will experience exceptional cold, extreme weather, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions,” she contends, pointing to 2030 as being the year when the cooling will be obvious to even the staunchest AGW proponent, with the subsequent decade (the 2030s) being “so cold that it will result in a severe food shortage.” Professor Valentina Zharkova has her website on the subject, linked here.

It has been evident to me for years and will become apparent to millions, if not billions more, who must step outside this winter. The levels of respiratory diseases will continue to spike. Still, our cherished news media will blame that on a lack of vaccination, hiding the fact that cold conditions kill vastly more people than warming does.

While governments pour billions of dollars into lowering CO2 emissions, several
Climate experts say CO2 is essential and higher levels are not a problem.

According to the latest NSIDC report, released January 4: “Sea ice extent increased by an average of 87,400 square kilometers (33,700 thousand square miles) per day, markedly faster than the 1981 to 2010 average. … December overall had the third highest monthly gain in the 45-year record at 2.71 million square kilometers (1.05 square miles), behind 2006 at 2.85 million square kilometers (1.10 million square miles) and 2016 at 2.78 million square kilometers (1.07 million square miles).”

Marxists traditionally called religion “the opiate of the masses,” which
is ironic since the Marxists now use “climate change” as the new
religion. The climate change religion, however, does not even offer
any such sedation, only misery for the masses. Not only do they offer
nothing, but misery, they do so while ensuring they pay no such price.
Chris MacIntosh

Parts of Europe are experiencing an extreme start to the new year’s weather. As some countries struggle with devastating floods, others have been plunged into extreme cold, causing chaos. Snow is everywhere, and for those who trust the global warming narrative, remember it was supposed to get so warm they said there would be no more snow for the kids to play in. Sea ice would disappear, and we would all die in 12 years. It seems like global warming has taken a Holiday, and if it reappears many decades from now, it will be warmly welcomed.

For those naive enough to believe in the manmade CO2 driven global warming scam remember that the experts predicted no more snow.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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