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Dangers of Wi-Fi & the iPad

Published on August 20, 2012


I got quite a few letters in response to my endorsement and use of Apples iPad so I want to address the issues of danger that come from living in our modern world. A few people were actually shocked that I would give my kids an iPad. (What you are about to read is a record of my internal process over the last three days. It’s almost a book so watch out.)

On my side I am shocked to be in civilization at all and would have been happy to spend the rest of my life at the end of the world at my Sanctuary. But cell signals and Wi-Fi were even there in the most pristine place you can imagine—with turtle-speed internet access. The world is certainly saturated with microwaves, of that there is no doubt. Here in Brazil one cannot enter a restaurant or hotel without a TV and Wi-Fi waves being present.

I was convinced to come back to civilized world where of course the pollution is intense, to say the least, but I have the pleasure of living exactly ten minutes from the point furthest east in all of the Americas, and it’s beautiful and clean here—what I would call ideal city life if such a thing exists. Everyone in my family prefers life in the city to life at the end of nowhere so it feels like I did the right thing, at least for now, and it’s very necessary for work and education.

In years past I had given up my cell phone, cordless phones and Wi-Fi system because they represent dangers that most of us would rather not think about. I live about 500 meters from the nearest cell tower and that is about as good as it comes living in a modern city. Closer I would not like to go but I run around on a tennis court for a half hour a day less than 50 meters from a tower. It’s exactly in the place where they are building a new city of towers where all the rich people are going to live. I don’t envy them. But how many people calculate their life by how many meters from a cell tower they live or by how many miles they live from the nearest coal-fired electrical plant that is spilling an awful amount of mercury into the surrounding areas. Or who can navigate their toxic life by checking all the neighbors and making sure they don’t turn on a Wi-Fi system across the street or on the other side of a wall in an apartment building.

“We simply can’t escape the exposure to this radiation. It’s everywhere. There are so many people using cell phones and wireless connections today that you don’t even have to own a cell phone to be exposed. You’re just as exposed as everyone else. Every time someone makes a call from a mobile phone the signal is sent to a cell phone tower. There are so many calls being made by everyone all around us and now there are so many mobile phone towers in operation, that all of us are caught in the crossfire. It’s like second-hand smoke from cigarettes, except that we can’t get away from it. There simply isn’t anywhere to escape,” writes Lynn Quiring. But we can and do need to minimize the hazardous effect.

iPads Have Dangers

Interesting to get a dose of my own medicine via reader feedback! Obviously I had recently caved in on being concerned about microwaves and now it’s a bit painful to watch my children using the iPads. This essay describes my process and some of the changes we are already implementing, which of course includes time limitation on their use. (To make up for my lack in this area I promise a part two to this overlong essay but necessary essay.)

One reader wrote that iPads (which are used in direct contact with children’s bodies—hands, lap, abdomen, etc.) “represent a health hazard to our younger generation. An average smartphone uses 35 times the bandwidth of a regular cellphone; a tablet uses up to 121 times the bandwidth. I have measured the microwave radiation of an iPad (with WiFi button turned on only, not browsing the internet and not downloading anything). The measurements from the Wi-Fi iPad spiked several times higher than an iPhone on talking mode. I have also checked an iPad’s magnetic field (WiFi off, just playing an already downloaded game) and it read 20 milligauss. On the Apple forum, there have been repeated posts of complaints from people feeling dizziness and nausea after using iPad and having to return them.”


Elizabeth Thode, one of my devoted readers, sent me a personal letter asking, “When did any type/form of radiation all of the sudden become safe?” The truth is that we cannot live without radiation though we cannot live very long with it either—starting with the radiation of the sun! Without its glorious rays we would all be in our graves. A little bit of a dangerous thing, in the case of solar radiation, is actually necessary for life.

Lifetime exposure to higher radiation levels shortens our existence because it beats down on our life force without letup. Perhaps we could live a few decades more but basically the physical world weighs down on us in the form of pathogens, chemicals, toxic heavy metals and many forms of radiation including the worldwide glut and saturation of microwaves. There are certain things, besides our genes, that determine how well and for how long we can stand up to such threats. My Natural Allopathic Protocol is ideal in stiffing our backs on a cellular level to help the cells maintain their balance.

The most overlooked anti-aging anti-disease factor is love itself, which provides a powerful centering force down to our genetic footprint. The spiritual heart, when open, represents a fountain of youth and a force that helps us resist environmental insults, infections and disease. Dr. Clancy D. McKenzie of Capital University says, “Enhancing the love energy of the patient is an effective way to increase the healing process.” The nature of my protocol combined with the spiritual psychology of my work assist in building up one’s strength to withstand toxic threats even if it’s the toxins of our own emotions.

Wireless Radiation Sickens a Child

Elizabeth wrote, “My experience of watching my daughter become very sickened by wireless radiation has taught me much. And I am blessed to be able to report that my daughter has gone from a 10, being severely affected by wireless radiation, to a one. This was a long two-year journey, and having to reduce her exposure to this radiation meant a very isolated existence, particularly for a teenager. I have you to thank for much of this, as the Magnesium Chloride Oil, the Baking Soda, and the Iodine were tremendous tools in helping her; however, I did find that she responded only after I cleared my home of all wireless technologies.”

“Your situation is much above the average person’s, with respect to both health protocols and your own level of spirituality. In your case I would say to bless the iPads and continue to surround your children with the healing light of love. You are the epitome of an honorable person, and a wonderfully gifted healer. You have a heart the size of Texas, and a moral compass even larger,” concluded Elizabeth.

Bless the iPads I will, but I will also make sure the kids and everyone else uses pillows to put under them because every inch further away from the body greatly diminishes the intensity of radiation exposure. Another reader wrote, “It is literally the world at your fingertips! I agree they are going to change the way education is carried out. Focusing on raising healthy, happy, smart kids makes my days fun and worthwhile. You got to play the coyote sometimes.”

We will also have to limit the amount of time and thus for what purpose they are to use this potent technology. I have been aware for a long time the price and consequence of modern technology and even the electricity—which we take so much for granted—is very dangerous to us because of the coal-fired plants that emit tons of mercury each day and because of the nuclear plants whose safety concerns directly threaten life on earth as we know it.

I have made my life out of the joys of love and it is love that has me sitting here in front of a computer, with all its radiation, in a house, that is surrounded on two sides by numerous electric lines, in a city full of cell towers and cell phone users, among people who trust government and the doctors who attack men, woman and children with their pharmaceutical poisons and vaccines as a matter of routine.

Worrying About the Big Events

I believe the way I am seeing certain things has been changed by the seriousness of world events and what that means to our collective futures. We are stuck in a world hurling toward its next great depression, one that will crush people mercilessly as it is already doing in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy as well as in many towns and cities across America. The earth is shaking and the volcanoes are continuing to awaken and the planet’s weather is spiraling out of control, so right now I am not as worried about microwaves as much as I would have been in the past.

Since my public communications with Dr. Garry Gordon I have been more optimistic than ever and firm in my beliefs about what we can all do to strengthen ourselves against radiation and other toxic threats. This is important for me in regards to my children who I have brought into this crazy poisoned planet. I do believe all of our lives are being compressed—shortened from the potential to live extraordinarily long lives—by a host of factors including our own negative emotions.

We never hear about this or that killing or causing cancer in everyone. Why not? There is a lot to be said about detoxification and chelation and re-mineralization and a protocol full of other things that can put us on a higher footing in our fight against aging and premature disease. Add love to the mix and we can push back against the toxic winds and continue to live with grace, but this is obviously difficult and entails swimming against the herd tide of humanity, which would rather remain oblivious. We are in the era of the final days, whatever that means, of dramatic threats with little measure of long-term security except for the love and faith we carry in our hearts.

Personally I have been more worried about the imminent danger of the pools full of spent nuclear fuel rods at Fukushima going super nova (hot radioactive fire) than I am about Wi-Fi and other wave contamination, but that changed over the weekend while writing this essay.

I just finished listening to a recent Arnie Gundersen radio show that I am featuring in tomorrow’s post on Fukushima. There is too much I can say about this now but it figures in powerfully to how I see life and make certain decisions. I published my essay “Hanging by a Thread” a few months ago and the situation has not changed. We are living on borrowed time so we might as well enjoy and appreciate each and every moment. Actually this has always been true since our stay on earth is temporary.

Just before publishing this essay I got this in from Dr. Hank Liers:

My first comment is that the iPad is a tool that allows for educational and creative development for people of all ages beyond any tool we have had before! It allows us to learn in new ways and to express ourselves in wonderful new ways.

As with all things there may be risks associated with their usage (e.g., power plants, automobiles, playing sports, eating food, etc.), but with knowledge and care those risks are either minimized or the gains so great that the risks are worth it.

Part of minimizing the risks is to learn how to live intelligently. For example, you recommend the use of magnesium chloride, baking soda, nascent iodine, intestinal rejuvenation formulas, Rejuvenate Formulas, detox methodologies, avoidance of pharmaceuticals, etc. to overcome many of the health risks in our society. Learning to overcome fear and express Love is a part of overcoming the risks and makes us better as individuals and societies!

I have no fear of letting my grandson to use my iPad. When using it I have seen him develop mentally in ways that no other tool I know of can allow while expressing great joy! Of course, he takes a lot of Rejuvenate!, loves his magnesium chloride baths, takes nascent iodine daily, eats organic food, exercises vigorously, and is a very happy child.

More to worry about – Dangers from Above

“Every form of life acts as a biological antenna. Trees, weakened by other environmental stresses, are dying in areas of Europe close to or in the channel of transmitters. People show higher rates of brain tumors, leukemia or miscarriages. The natural etheric forces are being raped by the ignorant use of this technology; we only consider short term comfort and gain, ignoring the impact of our actions on the living earth. Actions that will be very difficult to reverse! Thanks to Motorola (to begin with …), 66 low level satellites will in the near future bring us the ‘world phone’, enabling us to phone from anywhere to everywhere. Soon, they will drown everyone in HF microwaves and it will take years to establish that this has an impact on living organisms. Why not research beforehand? How can it be possible, that such a significant intervention into the natural environment can be made without thorough investigation?” writes J. Paul Herrmann.

At the end of his essay Herrmann concludes, “Anyone reading about this for the first time may feel somewhat daunted and react with disbelief, anger, depression, panic – I would like to share my view that we are actually facing a great chance and challenge, here. The attitude of using the environment for our short sighted personal pleasure and gain cannot be maintained any longer, as we realize how we don’t just destroy the earth but also ourselves. As we learn about the impact of HF on our own energy, we can’t help acknowledging the energy qualities of our body and of nature in general. The issue forces us to adjust our priorities for the sake of our health and to live more consciously a life of energy, inseparable from the energy around us. The more we accept the reality of this new form of pollution, the more we can do about it. We shall learn to look after and to constructively control our environment, which is really a part of ourselves.”

I stand firm in my heart but many are despairing and are ending their lives. Suicide rates are spiking in the countries being hit the hardest with economic calamity. People in Europe are abandoning their babies in increasing numbers as the floor drops out from under many people’s lives. There are so many things we should have avoided exposure to including the insanity of industry and science, which is the correct answer to the question above—why not research beforehand?

One has to understand that beyond denial, with all the facts of life at hand, there is a place beyond fear, doubt and worry that we can and do need to identify with. Pilots sometimes have to fly their planes right through storms but they do not despair; they respond with confidence and courage. I wrote yesterday morning that, “I feel like a pilot of a plane seeing a huge storm ahead and I am thrusting the throttles forward to climb above the storm when most will be trapped below.” I do suffer from psychic wind shear at times though as I plan for explosive growth in my work just at a time when the world’s system is facing severe contraction.

“There is far more pathology associated with stress and paranoia than anything an iPad can give off or consume,” wrote Nick Karapasas to the IMVA Facebook page. In another essay I will continue what I started here and get down to basic physics and now all forms of radiation impact us.

Special Note: In receiving that note from Elizabeth and writing this essay I remembered the first time someone said I had a big heart. It was around 30 years ago when I got to the University of the Trees in Boulder Creek, California to study with Christopher Hills. I remember someone saying that to me and me turning to look behind me to see who they were talking to. Actually it took quite a few years to break free of my mind, with all its thoughts, to start appreciating what the heart is all about and then to make my religion grounded on the heart’s vulnerability.

For Elizabeth to speak of the size of my heart is an uplifting moment for me and her comparing it to the now suffering state of Texas is something I will never forget. I think her communication is important for I take strength from it and I need that strength. Perhaps a bit more about my present sentiments that I have tried to express in this essay will become more apparent when I publish my essay, “Is the Right Wing Ready to Break Off?” I already posted the dramatic image to IMVA’s Facebook page about where we seem to be in terms of the world and its dramatically changing situation.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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