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Healing Ourselves with Oxygen

Published on February 19, 2014

Oxygen therapy is as wonderful as it is because more oxygen translates into more cellular energy, more healing energy and more energy to help us feel relaxed and perform better in life. Importantly enough when ample oxygen rushes into oxygen deficient cells oxygen is no longer the limiting reagent for detoxification of cellular poisons that have been accumulating.

Oxygen is invincible in its ability to give or take away life and that goes as much for cancer cells as it does for healthy human cells. Oxygen can heal and it can kill so it is perfect for infections of all types. Every ozone user knows this. One cannot stay physically present on earth forever but with enough oxygen eternal youth can be ours until our time is up!

Oxygen operates at the heart of life, along with its sister, CO2. There is nothing more basic to life, so command of both carbon dioxide and oxygen give us almost everything we need to fight disease, aging and cancer. Both gases come in very handy in burn units and for any kind of wound repair.

Oxygen beats back death and that is why it is used so extensively in every emergency room and intensive care ward in the world. Palliative caretakers and hospice also utilizes lots of oxygen. However, all present oxygen delivery systems provide low dosages when higher ones can be administered safely.

When our cells do not get ample amounts of oxygen regularly, they degenerate quickly and die. Lack of mobility, infections and toxins further decrease our oxygen status and contribute to the acceleration of illness. Naturally, this degeneration is connected with a noticeable reduction of physical and mental capabilities typically experienced later in life. Beyond any doubt, oxygen is immediately and long-term the most essential element for our existence.

A recent study reported that feeding the brain with extra oxygen improves mental performance. Brainpower can be increased by up to 20% when people take extra supplies of oxygen, according to researchers at the Human Cognitive Neuroscience Unit of the University of Northumbria. Volunteers remembered up to 20% more words from a list after they were given a short blast of oxygen through a facemask. A dose of oxygen also improved performance when playing the computer game Tetris when the game was at its hardest level. Experts believe that the more oxygen in the body and brain the better your system will function.

Now is a good time if you have not already taken a few deep breaths to so at your own pace. Of all the essential nutrients needed by the humans, oxygen is required on a moment-to-moment basis. In this sense, it is the immediate reagent required for life. We cannot live without it even for a few minutes; yet, oxygen is the one nutrient most people do not associate with longer-term deficiency.

Oxygen Deficiencies

A lack of oxygen causes a critical decrease in the cardiac output[1]; meaning that less oxygen is transported through the body. For example, the oxygen supply of an 80-year-old person can go down by as much as 66% of the maximum amount. Human beings can take a lot of punishment mentally and physically, so these frequent drops in our ability to utilize oxygen efficiently rarely results in death. However, each series of oxygen deprivation takes its toll, and if a few cells stagnate or die here and there due to constant (external or internal) stress, it begins to add up. The result is premature aging due to the accumulation of these unresolved stress events.

Michael Grant White, "The Optimal Breathing Coach" tells us that, “The most punishing oxygen users for the body are major operations, heart weakness, poor posture, tension in neck and around shoulders, acute and repetitive trauma, too much exercise, chronic inflammation, poor digestion, poor diet, negative attitude, fungal, viral or bacterial infection, toxic stress, chronic sinusitis, food allergies, sleep apnea, snoring issues, shallow breathers, asthma, emphysema, heart attack, stroke, lack of exercise, dehydration, cancer, chemotherapy, acidic body pH, weak kidney’s, high stress levels (especially when accumulated over time).” In these situations the human body has a resilient capacity to maintain basic functionality (even through severe imbalances), but when the thresh hold of not being able to optimally recover is crossed the hands of time start counting.

A growing problem is that oxygen concentrations in and around major cities have been measured as much as 30% below normal. That means that each breath yields less oxygen. Working in lower oxygen environments is often detrimental to one’s health. Closed office buildings with no windows that open, breathing recycled indoor air, or working around machinery that uses up oxygen or produces carbon monoxide such as furnaces, gas stoves, automobiles and others all reduce the amount of viable oxygen in the air we breathe.

As if this were not bad enough most individuals have developed poor breathing habits, further restricting oxygen intake. These poor breathing habits are an easily recognizable modern day phenomenon according to breathing coaches and yoga teachers assessing individuals enduring stressful environments and exceedingly busy lifestyles. This resulting oxygen deficiency has a negative effect on your health and your overall performance. Initially a slight decline in performance and health is noticed by many as their biological balance shifts for the worse.

Now common and growingly recognized by a concerned medical community are lung and bronchial problems. Not only do they contribute to oxygen deficiencies but when combined with mild nutritional anemia the red blood cells that carry oxygen to the tissues are either deficient in number, or are damaged in some way. While many do not realize it, mild anemia is quite common, especially among young adults, menstruating women, vegetarians, and those with ongoing illnesses. Magnesium deficiencies incidentally are almost universal in modern populations and are another major cause that decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of blood by negatively impacting hemoglobin levels.

If you are a smoker or are regularly exposed to second hand smoke additional damages to the lungs, often times severe, lead to decreased oxygenation of your tissues. Combined with impaired hydration, restricted circulation, and increased toxicity the effect of smoking or being exposed to second hand smoke are the well-established number one health risk.

The National Cancer Association estimates that quitting smoking by age 30 reduces the chance of dying prematurely from smoking related disease by more than 90%.  Ironically, science and society as a whole have not begun to apply reverse logic to this well-studied and extensively researched causative factor. [2]

Oxygen deprivation is biologically associated with most types of chronic diseases, including cancer. Stress, fear, anxiety, and worry cause not only shallow breathing, but a habit of literally not breathing as much, or holding the breath. Not to mention a sedentary lifestyle is the worst thing for breathing. Those with the worst breathing habits are often people who do not do any exercise. Exercise and movement are the events that route oxygen to the body’s cells. So take a deep breath and go for a walk often. The association of poor breathing and a sedentary life style are two of the earliest telltale signs that disease in on the horizon.

Special Note: This is the second chapter I have published from my upcoming book Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy. I have already published Carpet Bombing Cancer with Invincible Oxygen. I will continue to publish most of the chapters from the book in my newsletters over the next month and will publish more about the Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy system in the next few days. Please be advised that IMVA members will be receiving this book and the Surviving Cancer Compendium that will come in about three to four months as part of their membership. 

[1] the amount of blood pumped out by the heart’s ventricles in a given period of time; "a resting adult has a cardiac output of about three quarts a minute"

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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