Over the past 30 years, my focus has been on the heart, my own heart, and the heart of humanity. My concern has been on the physical heart as well as the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the heart. However, my mistake these past decades was focusing too much on the heart and little to nothing on the vascular system, especially my own.
Because of that, I have paid a heavy price for overlooking the plague buildup in my vessels. I am not alone in this. According to a 2024 national survey, 70% of Americans are unaware of peripheral artery disease (PAD) – the most common vascular disease in which leg arteries become narrowed, reducing or cutting off blood flow, contributing to 400 amputations performed each day in the United States.
I was almost an emergency case, but through a blend of natural and orthodox cardiology approaches, I avoided a heart attack and learned valuable lessons. I am now introducing a new way of treating and preventing cardiovascular diseases. My book in progress, Natural Cardiology, is a revolution in cardio care that employs natural and semi-natural substances that are much safer and more effective than pharmaceuticals. Today’s cardiologists mostly manage heart and vascular disease. Natural Cardiology goes for the cure, which fully reverses blood plaque.
My books HeartHealth and Magnesium: The Ultimate Heart Medicine provide the foundations for this new book, Natural Cardiology. Though this volume focuses on the physical aspects of the heart and vascular system, it will also cover the practice of spiritual and emotional medicine in addition to dealing thoroughly with the problems of the body.
The kind of cardiology found in HeartHealth demands that we penetrate and appreciate what is going on inside the world of the patient. This calls for deep listening abilities and caring and compassion, which are necessary to touch the inner worlds of others—skills needed for cardiologists who want to embrace a holistic approach. This is often important for positive health outcomes because stress is a fundamental cause of cardiovascular disease.
Discoveries in Vascular Health
It is not so easy for patients and doctors to diagnose atherosclerosis, a highly invisible creeping disease that builds up decade after decade. We people who love to overeat the wrong foods are highly vulnerable to atherosclerosis, which can end in our sudden death. It took till I was 70 before a doctor diagnosed my condition. This condition has slowly but steadily occupied my blood vessels.
Many people with blocked arteries or atherosclerosis are unaware that they have it until they develop symptoms such as angina or claudication. Claudication is a medical term usually referring to impairment in walking or pain, discomfort, numbness, or tiredness in the legs that occurs during walking or standing and is relieved by rest. Unfortunately, the first time that someone realizes that they have atherosclerosis is only when they have an event such as a stroke or a heart attack.
Now comes the recent discovery of a new wonder drug that safely strips cholesterol out of vascular plaque. This means we now have access to the Ultimate Vascular Medicine, which is light years safer and more effective than statin drugs. Instead of using statins to control cholesterol levels chemically, with side effects including increased incidence of diabetes and cancer, you sequest cholesterol, reducing obstructions all over the vascular system and even beyond into the organs. Cyclodextrins administered intravenously or rectally are the way to reverse decades of plaque buildup quickly.
High levels of glucose are dangerous for the arteries. Roughly one in four Americans with diabetes are unaware that they have the disease. Thus, untreated diabetes increases glucose, or sugar, in the blood, damaging the inner linings of both big and small arteries. The arteries respond by layering on plaque, a substance that fills the arteries so that oxygen-rich blood has difficulty getting through to the eyes, kidneys, legs, and feet. Sugar is an arterial poison. So is stress.
Trust is Hemmoraging Out of Modern Medicine
Study Finds 9.6% Fatality Rate Among People Who Reported
Myocarditis or Pericarditis After an mRNA COVID Vaccine.
Modern medicine is not performing well as death and disease rates climb with heart and vascular disease running neck and neck with cancer. Dr. Alan Greenberg said, “Despite the investment of hundreds of billions of dollars in research, not even a single degenerative disease has been cured in the past hundred years.” But worse, modern medicine put a gun in its mouth and pulled the trigger with COVID-19 genetic vaccines and their laboratory-created vírus, causing all kinds of problems for the vaccinated hearts and vascular systems.
Three years ago, I wrote that COVID vaccines are driving the pain, suffering, and death through sudden onset of heart disease. In the week ending November 12, 2021, the U.K. reported 2,047 more deaths than occurred during the same period between 2015 and 2019; heart disease and strokes appear to be behind many of the excess deaths.
“There is no heart damage that’s mild or inconsequential,” writes Dr. Peter McCullough. “American children who are getting the vaccine, some of them have no symptoms, yet they’re sustaining heart damage. As a cardiologist, I can tell you that heart damage causes scarring, and when there’s a scar, that’s a setup for an abnormal heart rhythm, and that abnormal heart rhythm can lead to a cardiac arrest. The reason why myocarditis is so important in children is that when there’s superimposed adrenaline and noradrenaline in exercise, it is the trigger for cardiac arrest. So, we take this degree of heart damage seriously. And there are papers now by Jenna Schauer showing it doesn’t go away.”
A new paper in JAMA Network Open analyzes survey respondents in the U.S. over the period of time right after the COVID-19 pandemic started in April 2020 and through early 2024. It reveals a significant decline in trust in physicians and hospitals, dropping from 71.5% in April 2020 to 40.1% in January 2024. That is a massive change in how the public views modern medicine.
COVID-vaccinated kids are dying regularly from cardiac arrest.
The mainstream of medicine uses mass censorship to function because they have so much to hide. They cannot stand in the light of truth, so they must keep people in perpetual darkness about side effects, risks, and natural medicines that outperform pharmaceuticals and are much safer.
You Don’t Want to Die of Cardiovascular Disease
According to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Economic Burden of Illness in Canada report, cardiovascular disease-related physician care, hospital care, and drugs are the most significant health system burden. It is the same throughout the world. Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and significantly affects the quality of life of hundreds of millions of people.
Atherosclerosis causes 4 of 10 deaths, with drug treatment limited to incremental advances in lipoprotein management. Modern medicine is not particularly savvy when it comes to arterial disease.
Chelation of Cholesterol
Substantial evidence supports the thesis that the transition of cholesterol into its crystalline form is central to the development of atherosclerosis. As such, it is a coned shaped sugar molecule (Cyclodextrins) that is key to reversing the process in a chelation-type effect. One end of the cone traps one molecule of cholesterol. There are a range of diseases in which cholesterol crystals have been found. Thus, having a way to remove them will be more than helpful and should become an essential medical practice. Chlorine dioxide also works hard to clean out blood vessels, as do proteolytic enzymes, and even hydrogen inhalation and DMSO do much in this regard. Iodine too!
Magnesium: The Ultimate Heart Medicine
Magnesium plays a significant role in cardiovascular disease. Yet, you will not hear a word in the mainstream about magnesium and how a deficiency in this vital mineral leads to diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, and even cancer. I have seen five cardiologists in the past year, but not one said anything about magnesium. Cyclodextrins are new; only a few hundred doctors worldwide know about them. There is no doubt that, for starters, the revolution in cardiology should focus on magnesium and cyclodextrins as a replacement for dangerous statins.
Much of this book is about magnesium because hypomagnesemia is commonly observed in heart failure, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. Low serum magnesium (Mg) is a predictor of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Magnesium (Mg2+) is an essential mineral for human health and plays a vital role in regulating glucose homeostasis and insulin actions.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes heart failure (HF), arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, and stroke. For many years, cardiovascular disease has been the leading cause of death worldwide, and statin drugs or anything that cardiologists suggest has not changed that. High Mg intake is associated with a lower risk of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and CVD.
Heart palpitations, “flutters,” or racing heart, otherwise called
arrhythmias usually clear up quite dramatically on 500 milligrams of magnesium
citrate (or aspartate) once or twice daily or faster if given intravenously.
Dr. H. Ray Evers
Most doctors know that the administration of magnesium has proven beneficial in treating ventricular arrhythmias. Fatal heart attacks are more common in areas where the water supply is deficient in magnesium, and the average intake through the diet is often significantly less than the 200-400 milligrams required daily.
Magnesium helps prevent death from a heart attack and protects against further heart attacks. It also reduces the frequency and severity of ventricular arrhythmias and helps prevent complications after bypass surgery.
Magnesium deficiency appears to have caused eight million sudden
coronary deaths in America during the period 1940-1994.
Paul Mason
Forty percent of all first heart attacks end in death! One of magnesium’s most important actions is its vasodilating effects, which improves the blood supply to ischemic areas and reduces infarct size. A ten-year study of 2,182 men in Wales found that those eating diets low in magnesium had a 50% higher risk of sudden death from heart attacks than those eating one-third more magnesium. High magnesium eaters were only half as likely to have any cardiovascular incidents such as non-fatal heart attacks, strokes, angina (chest pain), or heart surgery.
Low Magnesium Hardens Arteries
Dr. Russell Blaylock says, “There is evidence that magnesium deficiency may play a role in atherosclerosis, also called hardening of the arteries. In one study that used experimental animals, magnesium supplementation inhibited the deposit of lipids in the walls of the aorta that is, it inhibited plaque formation, a major factor in atherosclerosis.”
“To see if there was a relation between ionized magnesium and blood lipids (such as cholesterol), researchers examined 29 men with an average age of 72.5 years, who had impaired insulin sensitivity, a common condition in the elderly. They found that the level of blood-ionized magnesium but not total blood magnesium correlated closely with levels of LDL (potentially harmful) cholesterol and total cholesterol. Because magnesium is a powerful anti-inflammatory element, it would be expected to help prevent cholesterol from oxidizing; this may explain why it reduces atherosclerotic plaque in experimental animals.”
Dr. Blaylock continues by saying, “In my research, I came across a study from 1959 that demonstrated some remarkable findings concerning the interrelationship between calcium and magnesium and atherosclerosis. Researchers knew from previous studies that feeding animals large doses of magnesium markedly reduced the amounts of lipids deposited in the heart valves of the left side of the heart and the aorta. This study looked not only at lipid deposits in the wall and valves of the heart but also calcium deposits in the kidneys, which are common in people with kidney disease associated with atherosclerosis.”