Nothing is more important to understand and know than how to prevent and recover from cardiovascular disease (CVD). It is as big a subject as curing cancer and age-related neurological decline. Natural Cardiology is a revolution in cardiovascular care, radically reformulating how heart and vascular patients must be treated. There is no getting away from the fact that mainstream cardiology relegates their heart patients to a slow but eventual death. It’s the same with diabetic care. The best conventional medicine can do is delay these diseases’ progression.
Conventional cardiology can, of course, offer heart patients the latest medications (all toxic) and aggressive surgeries to manage grave cardiovascular conditions. However, doctors never think that CVD can be reversed or cured. The best mainstream cardiology promises is to stabilize situations like blood plaque and provide symptomatic relief.
Reversing a weakened heart and deep cleaning the vascular system was rare until recently. Now, there are natural and semi-natural drugs, devices, and holistic treatments that, when used effectively and intelligently, may reliably reverse a weakened heart and clean out plaque from blood vessels. The goal is to effectively mitigate the cardiovascular risks and metabolic complications associated with all forms of metabolic disease. Mitigate can be translated into cure, a taboo in modern mainstream cardiology.
Conventional cardiology is excellent at addressing acute heart problems, yet more people than ever are dying of heart and vascular diseases. Globally, around 18 million people die each year from cardiovascular disease. This represents 32% of all global deaths. Of these deaths, 85% were due to heart attack and stroke. However, the leading underlying cause of death is plaque buildup, the fat deposits in our blood vessels that obstruct blood flow to vital organs.
Today’s cardiologists manage heart and vascular disease. Natural Allopathic Cardiology goes for the cure, aiming to reverse blood plaque fully. Natural Cardiology offers significant therapeutic advances with a complete protocol that includes magnesium, sodium bicarbonate, chlorine dioxide, DMSO, hydrogen inhalation therapy, oxygen, selenium, and carbon dioxide inhalation, as well as various enzymes that can help clear the vessels from plaque deposits and reduce the chances of cardiac arrest when the plaque gets out of hand.
Calling the Roto-Rooter Man
But great game changers are drugs that directly and quickly strip cholesterol from blood plaque. Medicines that unblock the arteries and clean out the entire vascular system. It is a tremendous shift in cardiac care to focus on these drugs, which can quickly eliminate angina, lower calcium scores, and lower blood pressure by curing the cause of high pressure, which is the narrowing of the arteries.
The outcome and benefits to patients and reduced health costs from drugs that can directly clean out the plague from blood vessels would save millions from premature death and repeated invasive surgeries if health officials recognize how useful such drugs would be.
Metabolic Disasters End Up with Cardiovascular Calamity
Doctors who treat diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease use the wrong drugs for the wrong reasons (think of statins and metformin), rely on invasive and expensive surgeries, and have failed to protect their patients from the heart-damaging effects of mRNA injections. Children as young as two years of age suddenly have heart attacks, which makes one wonder if modern medicine has come entirely off the rails.
And now we read that nearly three-quarters of US adults are considered overweight or obese, according to recent research published in The Lancet. So, it is not hard to understand when some would say 75% of the populace is at risk of metabolic disorders. Metabolic syndrome, characterized by a constellation of metabolic abnormalities, including central obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, poses a significant risk for the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases and type II diabetes mellitus.
Mainstream Medicine is Redefining Cardiovascular Disease
A growing appreciation of the pathophysiological interrelatedness of metabolic risk factors such as obesity and diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease has led to the conceptualization of cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome. It is modern medicine’s attempt at a grand unification theory to address the chronic disease pandemic of heart, vascular, metabolic, diabetes, kidney disease, and obesity.
A new American Heart Association presidential advisory published in the Association’s flagship journal, Circulation, on Oct. 9, 2023, defines the overlap in these conditions as Cardiovascular-Kidney-Metabolic (CKM) syndrome. CKM syndrome stages range from 0 or no risk factors and an entirely preventive focus to Stage 4, the highest-risk stage with established cardiovascular disease. Stage 4 may also include kidney failure.
CKM affects nearly every major organ in the body. However, the most significant impact is on the cardiovascular system, affecting blood vessels and heart muscle function, the rate of fatty buildup in arteries, electrical impulses in the heart, and more.
The importance of considering cardiovascular, metabolic, and kidney disease in a singular framework stems from the frequent co-occurrence of these entities and the bidirectional organ cross-talk that perpetuates organ damage. They feed each other as co-conditions. They really are one pathology—treatments as such need to address all aspects of CKM syndrome.
Peripheral Artery Clean Up Is Part of the Roto-Rooter Job
In Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), which is very common, plaque builds up in the lower legs, initially causing pain and difficulty walking because of blocked circulation. This often leads to lower limb amputation.
Nationally, Australia spends $1.6 billion in healthcare costs per year to treat PAD patients. PAD affects one in five West Australians over 65, and over 230 million people worldwide are affected by it. Currently, medications used to treat PAD, like medications to treat heart attack and stroke caused by plaque buildup, only reduce risks by lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and platelet adhesion. They do not treat or remove plaque.
Doctors and patients pay a heavy price for overlooking the buildup of the plague in blood vessels. According to a 2024 national survey, 70% of Americans are unaware of peripheral artery disease (PAD) – the most common vascular disease in which leg arteries become narrowed, reducing or cutting off blood flow, contributing to 400 amputations performed each day in the United States. The best medicine to remove plaque in the blood vessels can also be conveniently used at home via liquid suppositories.
Special Note: Though Dr. Roberts uses the name Cavadex for these liquid suppositories by FDA request that name is no longer being used. Cyclodextrins is the FDA approved generic name of this substance that rapidly improves endothelial function and vascual symptoms.
Many people with blocked arteries or atherosclerosis are unaware that they have it until they develop symptoms such as angina or claudication. Claudication is a medical term usually referring to impairment in walking or pain, discomfort, numbness, or tiredness in the legs that occurs during walking or standing and is relieved by rest. Unfortunately, the first time that someone realizes that they have atherosclerosis is when they have an event such as a stroke or a heart attack.
Regarding global economic impact, some diseases are so prevalent and have such a high-cost burden on health systems worldwide that an approach that reverses its cause would interest investors and governments as much as patients. You would think so, but that is not the case since the best answers are not patentable. The medical-industrial complex is not interested in anything they cannot profit from.
Modern cardiology must sort out truth from lies so patients can establish a baseline reality to diagnose and treat their cardio and vascular problems. Natural Cardiology hopes to help people find a path to cardiovascular healing that makes them feel secure and allows them to recover from their heart and vascular issues without repeated surgery.
Special Note: My Substack paid members will be the first to receive this book for free. Then, I will pair Natural Cardiology with my new course on Diabetes. Diabetics and those with metabolic syndrome and obesity need to read Natural Cardiology and those who read the book will eventually need to take the course on Diabetes.

Natural Cardiology builds upon my earlier works on the heart but focuses more on the vascular system and not just the pump and the heart center of feelings.