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Is it Possible? Coming To Our Senses on Water Fluoridation?

Published on October 7, 2024

A dramatic scene depicting soldiers from BBC News, Itv and others launching an attack on the truth.

A federal judge has ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate fluoride in drinking water further because high levels could pose a risk to the intellectual development of children, the Associated Press reported. The truth about fluoride is finally seeing its legal day, which is good news. How hazardous waste ended up in our drinking water and the bad science and powerful politics that keep it there is one of the great scandals of modern times, especially in the United States and Brazil.

“Simply put, the risk to health at exposure levels in United States drinking water is sufficiently high to trigger a regulatory response by the EPA” under federal law, U.S. District Judge Edward Chen wrote.

Two municipalities in New York state quickly moved to suspend water fluoridation in light of this federal judge’s ruling. “In light of this federal ruling and the long-standing concerns expressed by many Yorktown residents, I have decided to suspend water fluoridation as a precautionary measure,” Lachterman said.

“Removing fluoride from Somers’ drinking water would give residents the freedom to choose their own sources of fluoride, ensuring personal control over their health decisions. Additionally, concerns about potential long-term health risks from fluoride exposure support reevaluating its use in public water systems. Somers applauds Yorktown for making this decision.”

An August 2006 Chinese study found that fluoride in drinking water damages
children’s liver and kidney functions. Results suggest that drinking water fluoride
levels over 2.0mg/L can cause damage to liver and kidney functions in children.

The resistance to fluoride has been building for decades. Hundreds of U.S. communities, from Amery, Wisconsin, to Union County, North Carolina, are opting out of water fluoridation. City leaders often cite medical freedom as a reason, saying it should be up to voters, not governments, to decide what is and isn’t added to the municipal water supply.

Flouride and Heart Disease

Fluoride uptake in coronary arteries is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk of sudden death. Fluoride causes enhanced deposition of doped Hydroxyapatite, leading to inflammation and sites for fatty deposits of atherosclerosis. Fluoride interferes with numerous enzyme systems, resulting in elevation of key risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Fluoride causes oxidative stress and degeneration of heart muscle. Fluoride inhibits thyroid function, causing consequential damage to heart function. Fluoride increases the risk of sudden death from ruptured aorta. Diabetes, caused or exacerbated by Fluoride, further increases the risk of cardiovascular death and disability.

Fluoride treatment significantly increased lipid peroxidation and decreased the activity of antioxidant enzymes, viz., catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione levels in the auricle and ventricle regions of the heart. Fluoride also impairs vascular smooth muscle A7R5 cell lines by disrupting amino acid metabolism. High fluoride in drinking water was statistically significantly associated with low systolic B.P. in children and adolescents.

EPA Is A Danger To Public Health

The EPA is just another governmental terrorist organization that never sees a problem with poisoning the public. Fluoridation is just one example. Another is a fertilizer used for decades by U.S. farms that contains toxic chemicals that are being blamed for halting agricultural operations, killing animals, and endangering our food supply.

A tractor applies chemicals to a field, highlighting concerns about public health and environmental safety.

Across the United States, farmers have long been encouraged by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to spread municipal sewage onto their fields as a fertilizer. However, new research has shown that this “black sludge” can contain high concentrations of PFAS, also known as forever chemicals, The New York Times reported.

As for the contaminated field sludge, the Times reported that more than two million dry tons were used on 4.6 million acres of farmland in 2018. In 2022, Maine banned the use of sewage sludge on agricultural fields, the Times reported. Meanwhile, other states are beginning to test for these chemicals systematically. However, the EPA continues to promote the use of sludge on farmland.

It should come as no surprise that an increase in cardiovascular disease or death related to PFAS exposure has been reported from cross-sectional and longitudinal observational studies with evidence concerning the relation between early vascular lesions and atherosclerosis. Several studies indicate an alteration in lipid and glucose metabolism disorders and increased blood pressure as a possible link with cardiovascular thromboembolic events.

Exposure to PFAS has been related to altered plasma membrane fluidity and associated with altered calcium signal and increased platelet response to agonists, both in vitro and ex vivo, in subjects exposed to PFAS.

The Evil of Fluoridation

Fluoride was used by Nazis to sterilize inmates and
make them docile. Fluoride is a key dumbing-down ingredient
of Prozac and Sarin nerve gas and many other medications.

The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics book image

The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There, by Connett P, Beck J, and Micklem HS, summarizes the historical, political, ethical, toxicological, and epidemiological scientific data behind drinking-water fluoridation. The book concludes that, if proposed today, fluoridation of drinking water to prevent tooth decay would stand virtually no chance of being adopted, given the current status of scientific knowledge.

In the case of water fluoridation, according to the above authors, the chemicals that go into the drinking water that more than 180 million people drink each day in the United States are not even pharmaceutical grade but rather a hazardous waste product of the phosphate fertilizer industry.

Acute high oral exposure to fluoride may lead to nausea,
vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, drowsiness, headaches,
polyuria and polydipsia, coma, convulsions, cardiac arrest, and death.

Historically, fluoride was expensive for the world’s premier chemical companies to dispose of. Still, in the 50s and 60s, Alcoa and the entire aluminum industry—with a vast overabundance of this toxic waste—somehow sold the FDA and our government on the insane (but highly profitable) idea of buying this poison and then injected it into our water supply as well as into the nation’s toothpaste and dental rinses.

Consider also that when sodium fluoride is injected into our drinking water, its level is approximately one part-per-million (ppm), but since we only drink one-half of one percent of the total water supply, the hazardous chemical literally “goes down the drain” and voila—the chemical industry not only has a free hazardous waste disposal system, but we have also paid them with our health and our pocketbooks for the process.

The American government’s atomic weapons program was also producing massive amounts of fluoride and was getting sued by farmers for the damage done to their cattle.

In part one of The Case Against Fluoride, “The Ethical and General Arguments Against Fluoridation,” The requirement for the informed consent of the patient before administration of a medication is a basic human right. Yet, with fluoride added to drinking water as a therapeutic intervention, no such permission is sought or given. The fluoride used for water fluoridation is not even of pharmaceutical grade.

Christopher Bryson’s widely acclaimed book The Fluoride Deception includes dozens of peer-reviewed studies showing that sodium fluoride is a deadly neurotoxin that attacks the central nervous system. Perhaps the most notable study was conducted by Dr. Phyllis Mullenix Ph.D., a highly respected pharmacologist and toxicologist, who, in a 1995 Forsyth Research Institute study, found that rats who had fluoride added to their diet exhibited abnormal behavioral traits.

A 2008 Scientific American report concluded that “Scientific attitudes toward fluoridation may be starting to shift” as new evidence emerges of the poison’s link to disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain, and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering I.Q.

A Scientific American study “concluded that fluoride can subtly alter endocrine function, especially in the thyroid.” “In summary, evidence of several types indicates that fluoride affects normal endocrine function or response; the effects of the fluoride-induced changes vary in degree and kind in different individuals. Fluoride is, therefore, an endocrine disruptor in the broad sense of altering normal endocrine function or response, although probably not in the sense of mimicking a normal hormone. The mechanisms of action remain to be worked out and appear to include both direct and indirect mechanisms, for example, direct stimulation or inhibition of hormone secretion by interference with second messenger function, indirect stimulation or inhibition of hormone secretion by effects on things such as calcium balance, and inhibition of peripheral enzymes that are necessary for activation of the normal hormone” reports the National Research Council of the National Academies in a 2006 report on page 266.

Poison Glass image

There are four halogens: iodine, bromine, fluorine, and chlorine. All these halogens use the same receptors in the body. Therefore, if a person’s diet is deficient in iodine, the iodine receptors in the thyroid and stomach, for example, may fill up with bromine, common in grains, bleached flour, sodas, nuts, and oils. Iodine is depleted by bromine, which is used as a spray on fruits and vegetables, in baked goods, as a fumigant, and in Prozac, Paxil, and many other pharmaceutical drugs. Chlorine, fluorine, and fluoride are chemically related to iodine and compete with it, blocking iodine receptors in the thyroid gland.

Dr. David Brownstein says that fluoride inhibits the ability of the thyroid gland to concentrate iodine, and research has shown that fluoride is much more toxic to the body when there is an iodine deficiency present. When iodine is supplemented, the excretion rate of the toxic halides bromide, fluoride, and perchlorate is enhanced. Brownstein said that after only one dose of iodine, fluoride excretion increased by 78%, which is very important for those who are drinking fluoridated water or taking medicines with fluoride in them; bromide excretion rates increased by 50%.

Halogen Poisons

A detailed periodic table highlighting the halogen elements known for their toxic properties.

The mechanism behind “halogen displacement” was probably best described by J.C. Jarvis, M.D. (Folk Medicine, Henry Holt & Co., 1958, H.B., p. 136), who wrote: “The clinical activity of any one of these four halogens is in inverse proportion to its atomic weight. This means that any one of the four can displace an element with a higher atomic weight but cannot displace an element with a lower atomic weight. For example, fluoride can displace chlorine, bromine, and iodine because fluoride has a lower atomic weight than the other three. Similarly, chlorine can displace bromine and iodine because they have higher atomic weight.”

Fluoride and Cancer

In 2005, a study conducted at the Harvard School of Dental Health found that fluoride in tap water directly contributes to causing bone cancer in young boys. “New American research suggests that boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of five and ten will suffer an increased rate of osteosarcoma—bone cancer—between the ages of 10 and 19,” according to a London Observer article about the study.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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