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Importance of Diagnosing Stress

Published on July 11, 2016

The vast majority of people constantly live in a state of permanent stress without thinking, without even feeling it directly, so they have no idea what dangers their stress threatens. We are mostly unconscious of our stress but certainly, those aches and pains we feel disturb our consciousness. Often our pains haunt us even into our sleep no matter how many supplements or doctors pills we take but the last thing we usually do is directly relate our physical pains to the stress we are under.

One of the reasons people die or suffer from heart attacks and strokes is the difficulty people have being aware of and dealing with their own internal stress levels. It is why a stroke and heart attacks happen so suddenly and unexpectedly.

Stress is something that has been entirely too vague in the field of medicine so our first priority is to bring stress into focus mathematically with precise numerical indexes. Doctors in the future will have no more excuse to say to patients “It’s all in your head,” because peoples’ stress levels will be easy to diagnose.

The last thing most doctors treat is stress and the inflammation that comes with it. The diagnostic labels—diabetes, cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s disease, ulcers, acid reflux, colitis and many other diagnostic labels tell us little about the stress and inflammation underlying such disorders. Thus, doctors do not treat the stress component nor the inflammation directly. In fact they most often make both the stress and inflammation worse.

Harvard physiologist Walter Cannon recognized 90 years ago that when confronted by a threat – physical or emotional, real or imagined – the body responds with a rise in blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and breathing rate. We now know that this physiological “stress response” involves hormones and inflammatory chemicals that can foster everything from headaches to heart attacks.

Dozens of studies have shown that stress can alter the levels of certain biochemical markers in the body — key players in the human immune response. Stress can lessen a person’s immune response and that change can make them more susceptible to infectious diseases. Intense emotional stresses weaken the internal viscera, thus increasing the opportunity for pathologies of all types, including cancer.

However, most doctors are still loath to connect body chemistry with emotions but neurobiologists know that neural and other biologically measurable changes with chronic stress.

With the VedaPulse we have a straightforward way of measuring stress. It does this by measuring the heart rate variability (HRV) meaning it measures the heart and the changing of the timing of each beat. The heart is the most sensitive of all our organs with its ability to respond to changing conditions in the body or environment on a beat per beat basis. Just find oneself threatened by anything and one can feel one’s heart start to race.

With the information that can be obtained in five minutes of reading the HRV, a person can be guided into what they really have to do to heal themselves from the disease they face.

Heart rate variability (HRV) is an analysis of the bodies regulatory systems, more specifically the functionality of the various aspects of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Large scale studies carried out in Russia indicated that when the autonomic nervous loses its ability to be ‘flexible’, termed as adaptation then it is indicative of declining health and a precursor for future health conditions. The underlying stress suffered either through environmental stress in the form of chemicals. heavy metals etc. as well as physical, psychological and emotional stresses experienced through the senses, play a part in the tension exerted upon the autonomic nervous system which over time leads to a state of decline in its overall functionality.

Stress Really Matters

Women who suffer stress are twice as likely to develop breast cancer. Nothing will affect cells more than the stress, we ourselves allow ourselves to be put under. How much is too much stress? Do we wait for caner to be diagnosed to find out? Women with advanced breast cancer who have abnormal daytime levels of cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress, are significantly more likely to die sooner than patients with normal levels of the hormone, Stanford University researchers reported back in 2000.

For Lothar Hirneise, cancer starts with stress: “Cancer cannot exist without stress. One hundred percent impossible! There are a lot of debates on types of stress — physical and psychological— but for a cell it doesn’t matter where the stress comes from.”

Scientists know that the mechanism by which a cell dies, that is, apoptosis, necrosis, pyroptosis, or autophagic cell death, often depends on its ability to cope with the conditions to which it is exposed. The adaptive capacity of a cell ultimately determines its fate when it comes under stress. The strength or what we can call a cells adaptive capacity is directly related to nutritional sufficiency and proper cellular respiration that removes all toxins and wastes through the cell wall. Chronic stress does all the wrong things to the body’s cells, even preventing them from dying by turning them cancerous. Chronic stress needs to be seen for what it is, a highway to the grave. Stress is not just something that we feel it is something our cells feel.

The information about what level of stress can be dangerous is well documented and can be expressed in a form of precise numerical indexes. The VedaPulse estimates the stress level by using academician Baevsky’s stress index, which was originally used to assess the adaptation abilities of astronauts, but is now more widely used.

Understanding Numerical Stress Levels

This cat would probably be rated at somewhere between 0 to 10 units of stress. The range for us humans, when we are normal and under small amounts of stress range from 30 to 200 units. Sometimes a little stress is good when it is around the narrow corridor rates between 60-120 units. Big challenges bring large amounts of stress but if we manage ourselves correctly, we can still maintain ourselves with healthy profiles.

The range from 120 to 500 indicates the presence of distress where the body fights due to increased energy expenditure. When the index value exceeds the threshold of 800-1000 units, it means that the organism cannot longer cope with the distress and the risk of stomach ulcers, stroke and heart attack seriously increases. Besides there is serious decline of immunity (in consequence of atrophy of the thymus gland), which significantly expands the list of possible diseases.

The colors help though it takes a lot of convincing to see that we are already harming ourselves when we get above 200. Personally for years, since starting to use the VedaPulse, I have witnessed my stress levels to average around the 350 level, and sometimes have had to suffer through stress levels near 1000 and have actually seen the scale change when I went over 2000. After the age of sixty, the stress finally brought me down starting with severe heartburn and then a downward health spiral, which had me wondered for a long time why all my natural medicines were not doing the trick.

Stress is one of the hardest aspects of life to address and for us overachieving type almost impossible. In addition, for the many who have suffered from sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse, and the emotional hurt and resultant chronic stress that comes from that, which can endure a lifetime, that sexual stress can drive a person’s physiology to cancer.

Often our stress if very much a part of our life choice, as it often is in the work we do and where we choose to live. It is hard to separate from our stress because it is hard to pull back from life choices and change them.

The same company that created the VedaPulse also markets the Breathslim breathing device that helps us begin to work on our stress levels through breathing retraining. Then more advanced breathing techniques, and Yoga and exercise in general is what is needed to address high levels of stress.

According to the developers of the VedaPulse a stress index of 1000 and 3000 units is not a death sentence. Nevertheless, this is the most serious indication for a full review of the lifestyle. “If the index value is 1000 units and above, no work in principle should allowed. We need to stop and rest and relax!  Instead of work better to listen to the meditative music, drink relaxing tea and get a massage.”

Therefore, it is very important to use VedaPulse for a regular stress level control though there are many more things this machine can do for you. One does not have to purchase the professional model with all its modules that increases functions, one can simply get the consumer model and then download your information to a professional’s machine to get a full readout. However, the consumer version will give a readout of one’s exact stress level, health level, rate of aging and the amount of energy being used to maintain equilibrium. (In my consultations for people who join my online clinic this service is provided.)

Bottom line is the more conscious we are of our stress the more motivated we will be to do something to reduce it. About forty years ago, my first metaphysical teacher taught me that if we do not know where we are we would not have any idea of where to go. If our destination is California, but we do not know our starting point, how will we plot our course?

The field of Cybernetics and rocket telemetry also tells us that we need constant feedback to keep ourselves (and our rockets) on course and that is what we have when we do weekly tests with our VedaPulse.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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