My dear readers,
I’m offering a paid subscription to Substack. I’ve been working for years, freely sharing my writings with the world. Yet now I need your support for my work. Google lowered the censorship boom on us five years ago, and it has been a hard road ever since.
I do not promise more emails; most of us get enough, and thus, I limit myself usually to two publications a week. However, I want to offer a feeling of inclusiveness, participation, and empowerment in the paid subscription list. I want to give you the feeling of being able to support and get behind my form of medical journalism. But we will offer more than this.
We will offer our basic paid subscribers a fifty percent discount on a one-hour consultation with me. Also, you will receive a free copy of my Hydrogen Medicine E-book, And in the future, we will have other offerings.
Founding Members
I have always envisioned a paid subscription area as a kind of club where I can be in direct contact with my readers and them with me. We certainly intend to be a point of light in these darkening times.
Founding members will have discounted access to our Sanctuary, a magical, beautiful place in Brazil. It is an entity in itself, so just being there is a complete experience. Add our health education services, and higher healing will be brought into the picture. I know few of my international readers will access this far-away resource. So, we will offer discounts on hydrogen inhalation machines and my online clinical programs.
Dear Dr. Sircus,
I bought many of your books and have read the one about sodium bicarbonate. Consequently, I encouraged my friend, who is 70+ years old, to try basic therapies. Here is what I’ve recorded based on her testimony.
At the beginning of June 2024–Marly couldn’t walk her dogs, stand up without pain, get out of the tub unassisted, had high blood sugars, had a hard time breathing, and high blood pressure. She started taking magnesium chloride, sodium bicarb, potassium bicarb, and calcium carbonate, and within a week, she “felt alive” and was walking dogs, breathing fine, blood sugars lowering, and standing without pain. Within a few weeks, she was getting out of the tub herself.
End of July 2024 update on Marlene.
She is totally off Metformin diabetes pills that she’d been on for two years. Sugars between 6 and 7. Losing weight with no change in diet. No pain in knees and back and can get up off the floor unassisted. High Blood pressure down to 134/70. Eye sight improved so she can see the hole in the needle to thread her sewing machine. Not winded at all after walking dogs and moving at “quite a clip”. She feels like it’s a miracle.
Thank you, dear sir, for your life’s work. May God bless you in this life and especially the next.
All paid subscription levels will be a more vulnerable place to share our trials and tribulations—a healing space for testimonies and videos.
I was faced with my death when I had Dengue Fever this year. It was so bad I wanted to die, but if I left my body, I realized that my work would not survive either. I have never asked for help, but I am asking now. I will accept and need donations. Please get in touch with customer support, and they will put you in direct contact with me.
However, I am inviting all of you to join the paid subscription area in Substack at whatever level is comfortable for you. We need your support.
I appreciate you upgrading to a paid Substack plan.
My team and I wish you all the best in health!