The last thing that pediatricians and health officials will admit is that there is any possibility that vaccines could be at the heart of sudden infant death. If the mainstream of medicine cannot acknowledge that mRNA experimental genetic vaccines are mowing down the public, what do you think they will admit about the childhood vaccine program? Nothing, zip, nada, so adamant they are about the holy grail of vaccines. They were so adamant that they planned on killing a man in Texas last week for shaking his baby to death, even though the most recent evidence suggests the baby died of pneumonia.
Through the years, there have been dozens of cases where parents were falsely charged with Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), and lost their children or went to prison. The Texas man was granted a 30-day stay at the last moment.
At the National Library of Medicine (NIH), we read that “Health authorities eliminated “prophylactic vaccination” as an official cause of death in cases of sudden infant death, so medical examiners are compelled to misclassify and conceal vaccine-related fatalities under alternate cause-of-death classifications. There are 130 official ways for an infant to die. These official categories of death, sanctioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are published in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). When a baby dies, coroners must choose among these 130 categories.”
“The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database was analyzed to ascertain the onset interval of infant deaths post-vaccination. Of 2605 infant deaths reported to VAERS from 1990 through 2019, 58 % clustered within three days post-vaccination, and 78.3 % occurred within seven days post-vaccination, confirming that infant deaths tend to occur in temporal proximity to vaccine administration. These numbers do not leave much room for doubt about the possibility that vaccines are causing some of these baby deaths.”
There is evidence and logic behind assuming that vaccines, especially when many are given together, can cause catastrophe in babies. At the NIH, we read that elevated blood histamine caused by vaccinations and Vitamin C deficiency may mimic the shaken baby syndrome.
Twenty years ago, a judge overturned Alan Yurko’s conviction for murdering his baby son. In the British Medical Journal, we read:
“On August 27, Judge Alan Lawson overturned the conviction of Alan Yurko, who had been sentenced to life imprisonment without possibility of parole, for allegedly shaking his 10-week-old son to death. Yurko had been imprisoned for six years, 125 days. At a week-long hearing, defense witnesses argued that the infant’s death resulted from natural causes and medical error.
“Mr. Yurko was convicted of doing the impossible,” stated Jane Orient, M.D., Executive Director of AAPS. While subdural hemorrhage can be caused by acceleration-deceleration injury (whiplash) alone, recent experimental evidence shows that an adult male cannot generate the needed force by shaking alone, without impact. An autopsy showed no head trauma, and there was no neck injury.”
“Unquestionably, the baby suffered a respiratory arrest, followed by cardiac arrest, and had anoxic encephalopathy as a result. These facts could explain all of the autopsy findings, Dr. Orient argued, especially since the baby was started on intravenous heparin soon after admission and some five hours before a CT scan showed a small subdural hematoma.”
Several witnesses stated that the apneic episode and other findings resulted from a vaccine reaction. The infant, who was born after 35 weeks gestation, received six vaccines at once while ill, 13 days prior to the fatal event.
Roberson is Still on Death Row
“The shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma hypothesis that was used against Mr. Roberson is not science, plain and simple,” said Kate Judson, executive director of the Center for Integrity in Forensic Sciences, a Wisconsin-based nonprofit that seeks to improve the reliability of forensic science evidence.
Roberson’s attorneys say he was wrongly arrested and later convicted after taking his daughter to a hospital. She had fallen out of bed in their home in the East Texas city of Palestine after being seriously ill for a week.
New evidence gathered since his 2003 trial shows his daughter died from undiagnosed pneumonia that progressed to sepsis and was likely accelerated by medications that should not have been prescribed to her and made it harder for her to breathe, said Gretchen Sween, Roberson’s attorney.
In the U.S., at least eight individuals have been sentenced to death because of shaken baby syndrome, said Robin Maher, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center. Two of these eight have been exonerated, and Roberson is the only one to have received execution dates. “According to the National Registry of Exonerations, at least 30 people across the country have been exonerated based on this discredited scientific theory,” Maher said.
Horace Gardner, M.D., of Colorado, an ophthalmologist, observed that alleged shaken baby syndrome occurs at much younger ages in the U.S., peaking at age three months, than in Japan, where it peaks at nine months. There is less than a one in a million chance that the age distribution is different based on chance alone. Dr. Gardner notes that the vaccination age is later in Japan, with the timing consistent with a causal connection.
The Medical Profession should look for evidence of Vitamin C deficiency induced by Immunization and for Immune Complexes and other tell-tale signs of Hypersensitivity to Vaccines. It is time to change the name from ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome’ to ‘Adverse Vaccine Reaction’ in cases where the condition follows the vaccine administration within 21 days.
Roberson’s scheduled execution renewed debate over shaken baby syndrome. On one side of the debate are lawyers and some in the medical and scientific communities who argue the shaken baby diagnosis is flawed and has led to wrongful convictions. On the other side are prosecutors and medical societies from the U.S. and around the world who say the diagnosis is valid, has been scientifically proven, and is the leading cause of fatal head injuries in children younger than two years of age.
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