The news is so bad this Sunday morning that I don’t know what to do or write. I could try screaming but I am not the type… or crying, well that comes almost too easily. Perhaps I am crazy. After all, Ann Coulter got on TV and actually said, “The only good news is that anyone exposed to excess radiation from the nuclear power plants is now probably much less likely to get cancer.” And Dr. Josef Oehmen, a research scientist at MIT, said, “I repeat, there was and will *not* be any significant release of radioactivity from the damaged Japanese reactors.”
I wrote some pretty crass words the other day to begin an essay:
Avoiding exposure and radiation-induced diseases might come down to, I am terribly sorry to say, running for our lives. Anyone who cannot accept this is the reality millions of Japanese face is probably not worth saving so let them consume all the milk and unwashed leafy vegetables they can.
I got two probably well-deserved complaints about it. I allowed myself the expression as my first lines in a terrible document about the worsening situation in Japan and I could feel my anger building about the insensitivity of our world civilization and its institutions.
My editors also allowed me the expression and still I don’t know how to express it differently, not really. My heart keeps crying silently for my friends and family in America. I mean I know how everyone must feel knowing that radiation exposure will very shortly be drizzling into most places in North America and the rest of the hemispheric north 24/7. Today, if you look at the maps, mid-range levels of radiation are hitting the west coast. The forecast for the 19th looks like this:
How I’m supposed to be real and not use four-letter words is a mystery to my heart this second. Tell me how am I to feel saying something like that. What kind of being would take pleasure in making such a radioactive weather forecast? How many fathers are sitting on the beach, like I was yesterday with four of my six kids, looking out from the point furthest east in all the Americas, the point closest to Africa, and see about 2,000 miles away the leading edge of the nuclear pollution hitting a back draft from northern Africa. And my wife is attached to our life here in this great sea city and does not want to move to Sanctuary in the interior.
I have to be upset for I have to make sure everyone in the house, and that’s a lot of people, are taking their iodine way out in advance of any incoming iodine radiation. Down here that really will not be a problem because of its very short half-life. After three months there is very little left but all the other nuclear particles will have no problem eventually finding their way down here to the southern hemisphere. Just look at what has been from one month of exposure to the north. Look at these maps repeatedly for effect! That is unless you prefer to drink some milk with some radiation. I don’t think any of my readers would want to but I am not so sure about all the people who buy the mainstream news hook, line and sinker.
There are plenty who are saying radiation is good for you and probably are planning on going to the northeast of Japan instead of the Dead Sea to bathe in the healing waters. Well perhaps not, but remember, there have been a lot of important people running around for decades saying that nuclear energy is safe and use it all the time to treat and diagnose disease.
Even radioactive iodine is pumped into people by doctors, so hurray for the nuclear disaster, bring on some more, which might be coming if you look at what is happening in terms of increasing earthquake and volcanic activity. So yes, I am sorry, but I will stick to my guns. There are people on this planet I would say go ahead, drink the milk and consume lots of big leafy vegetables—it might save them a trip to Japan!
Meanwhile for all those who think: okay, well it’s only four or five nuclear reactors out of control and only a few nuclear pools with older spent nuclear rods melting, but we should be able to handle that right? Remember the other day when Dr. Michio Kaku said all it would take is one thing like a pipe breaking or another earthquake to make this situation even more catastrophic than it already is? Look at this video about seismic activity in the world.
Twisted Medical Establishment Lost on Radiation Issues
How are the good doctors of the world going to deal with medical insanity and pharmaceutical terrorism now? One of the reasons the medical establishment is incapable of responding to the nuclear threat and the spreading contamination from Japan (that is circling around the globe) is that it is an institution that loves to use radioactive iodine, a substance that causes cancer, to treat cancer. Sounds kind of crazy and it is. Many patients are getting a thyroid cancer treatment that kills thyroid tissue, causing harm to other tissues while at the same time actually increasing the potential for thyroid cancer.
According to a new study published in Cancer, researchers are fingering doctors who are treating patients with early-stage, low-risk thyroid cancer using radioactive iodine, which does not increase their chances of surviving but does instead put them at risk for a secondary cancer. “Our study shows that these low-risk patients do not need radioactive iodine,” Dr. Ian Ganly, one of the study’s authors from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, told Reuters Health. “Therefore there is no need to expose these patients to any risk from (radioactive iodine) treatment,” he said in an email.
The American Thyroid Association endorses the use of radioactive iodine even though it also causes cancer of the salivary gland—where radioactive iodine may accumulate—as well as leukemia. Dr. Ganly said the risk of leukemia increases because radioactive iodine circulates in the blood, thus exposing bone marrow to its tissue-killing effects.
Don’t be totally surprised if they announce that radioactive iodine from the out-of-control nuclear plant is good for the public and will save money because then patients will not need to pay for their radioactive iodine medications. The radioactive iodine taken in from the air, water and food will find its way into everyone’s thyroids saving oncologists the trouble. Excuse my heavy sarcasm this morning; it’s difficult to stay even-keeled as I write.
There are people and doctors who have said the little bit of mercury found in the flu and other vaccines is good for kids but, lo and behold, I read this morning that Poul Thorsen, the principal coordinator of multiple studies funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who used to deny a vaccine/autism link, was indicted on April 13th on 13 counts of fraud and 9 counts of money-laundering. The charges relate to funding for work he conducted for the CDC that claimed to disprove associations between the mercury-based vaccine preservative, thimerosal, and increased rates of autism.
Now anyone with a cow’s worth of sense would have understood that a strong neurotoxin like mercury was a strong neurotoxin. Gee people, don’t you see how retarded ignorance rules in the CDC, FDA, AMA, WHO and dozens of other medical organizations? Stupid does not quite cover it does it? Now we know it’s criminal, it’s greed, and it’s the politics of power and darkness on earth at its best.
Why should we be alarmed about nuclear fallout of radioactive iodine? Doctors use it so why should we be afraid of breathing it, eating it or taking it for breakfast in our milk and coffee? And why take nutritional iodine? It will only interfere with the uptake of the radioactive type! That’s what oncologists seem to want and it seems that is why these are the last people on earth we should trust during a nuclear crisis.
Dr. Edward Golembe, who directs a hyperbaric oxygen chamber at Brookdale University Hospital in Brooklyn, said he had treated serious radiation injuries to the jaw and called them “a horrible, horrible thing to see.” When we deal with radiation we deal with death for it is the death principle that doctors are trying to harness with terrible results. Most people who employ radiation in their treatments for cancer suffer horribly, but some worse than others.
Just being alive today is to walk through the valley of the shadow of death in terms of radiation exposure. Background radiation on earth has increased in the nuclear age coming from all the above-ground testing of the last century, nuclear plants, nuclear waste, uranium mining, and from depleted uranium weapons that are commonly used in the American, British and Israeli armies and navies and air forces. In addition there is constant and increasing exposure to other forms of radiation from microwave towers, cell phones, wireless phones and computer systems.
My response to this disaster, besides my almost daily news tracking of the Japanese nuclear disaster, which is, unfortunately for the rest of us, not only a Japanese catastrophe but also a world mega disaster:
My new book on iodine is not just a second edition—it’s a new edition focused on iodine as an absolute necessity in the age of increased radiation exposure. The new edition which includes information about iodine during radiation emergencies will be published next week some time. We will announce it when its ready. You can get the information first by subscribing to our newsletter.
Most mainstream doctors believe that nutritional iodine only protects us from radioactive iodine and not the rest of the dangerously hot radioactive particles. Though this is true in a literal sense (and still neither the government nor doctors are recommending iodine supplementation) it is NOT TRUE in a medical sense.
Radiation causes death not only through cancer but also through heart disease, diabetes and other chronic situations. In the first edition of my Iodine book I started out with these words:
The role of iodine in the body goes far beyond its function of making thyroid hormones. Iodine is related to the ability to resist disease.
This book you have in your hands is a medical text about one of the most useful medicinal substances that exists. In fact just over a hundred years ago iodine was allopathic medicine’s most universal medicine. Today many doctors are seeking alternatives and many alternative health care practitioners are in search of more powerful and safe ways of helping their clients. Iodine should satisfy everyone because it has the potential to help just about everyone who supplements with it. We all need iodine to survive; it is essential for human physiology, so our health is dependent on its presence in sufficient quantities.
That means that iodine will help prevent radiation of all kinds from tearing our health down to the gutter. It along with magnesium, selenium, sulfur, bicarbonate, vitamin C, chlorella, spirulina, superfood formulas like Rejuvenate, clay, chelators like HMD, IMD, glutathione and nebulizing it with bicarbonate, ALA and intestinal formulas loaded with apple pectin, NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) and a long list of other things will help mitigate radioactive cellular damage and help eliminate radioactive particles from the body. Edible clay of course is an essential as is really pure water and lots of it.
Not everyone dies from high-level radiation exposure! That’s the good news!
It’s a hard moment but we are only receiving tastes of what is to come. That’s the bad news.
I am preparing a chapter on sulfur for the Nuclear Toxicity Syndrome book and I have been meaning to get one out about zeolite—because first they were arresting people in Japan for selling it and now we hear the nuclear company is using it at the plant to control radiation. I can tell you Dr. Garry Gordon has a lot to say about zeolite as do the Russians.
In the old days you would hear shouted from the mastheads, “Prepare to repel boarders,” as the enemy would gather to try to board your ship. Today someone (that someone being me) is finally shouting, PREPARE TO REPEL NUCLOID PARTICLES. PREPARE DEFENSES IN DEPTH. PREPARE EARLY.
It has only been five weeks since we hit the nuclear iceberg and over the next few years, or perhaps even a shorter period, millions will go down just from this particular mishap. I am afraid that we are only just beginning our lessons in worst-case scenarios playing out in our lives.
I really should stop but I just read an interesting article and want to include it at the end.
On April 4, the Japanese government also has requested the Japan Meteorological Society and Japanese universities not to release data from radiation measurement to avoid “public panic”. Rainwater samples have all demonstrated elevated concentrations of radioactive Tellurium-02, Ruthenium-04 and Technetium-04.
280 sensors to measure radiation release from atomic bomb testing were established under the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1996. These sensors are detecting levels equivalent to Chernobyl releases. One scientist, Gerhard Wotawa, noted, “I’ve never seen data like this in my career.”
So how do we deal with disaster? Austria, Germany, Canada and Australia have banned eight episodes of Matt Groening’s U.S. anime series, The Simpsons, dealing with nuclear crisis. The Simpsons, now in its 24th season with 480 episodes, has been one of the few outlets to show the greed of nuclear operators, groveling toadies and a complacent public to a mainstream television audience—meltdowns caused by jelly doughnuts!
Kopp Online, Xander News and other non-English news agencies are reporting that the EU implemented a secret “emergency” order, without informing the public, that increases the amount of radiation permitted in food by up to 20 times the previous food standards.
According to EU bylaws, radiation limits may be raised during a nuclear emergency to prevent food shortages.
Japan itself has now restricted rice planting in soil with more than 5,000 Becquerels per kilogram of radioactive caesium, the first time maximum radiation levels have been set for soil anywhere. The Fukushima prefectural government announced on April 6 that rice paddies 20-30 kilometers from the nuclear plant have shown as much as 15,031 Becquerels.
People, we are into only five weeks of intensifying contamination with no end in sight. And the growing red spot in northern Japan demands that we think of the people there with empathy and compassion, for the axe of one-world medicine, government and industrial power is falling on these people hardest. They are a people who are still not being officially warned away no matter how high the radiation gets.
On Saturday April 16th it was reported that levels of radioactive materials in the seawater rose again. The level of radioactive iodine 131 jumped to 6,500 times the legal limit, according to samples taken Friday, up from 1,100 times the limit in samples taken the day before. Levels of cesium 134 and cesium 137 rose nearly fourfold.