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The Secrets of Life, Water, and Light

Published on December 13, 2024

A man sits in meditation, focused and serene, with a swirling black hole looming in the background.

The greatest secret of life can only be found in meditation. It is the pearl of high price, our very own consciousness in its most pure form. Next to pure consciousness is the pure heart, which is easier to find because the pure heart is our very own profound, vulnerable feelings.

There are many things to understand about this mysterious organ we call the heart. These go beyond the physical manifestations of that pump organ that beats 110,000 times a day and produces a strong electromagnetic field.

Deep within us is our pure being that has incarnated into this body. This being is ultra-sensitive and has been picking up subtle impressions from the environment through the heart center of pure feeling even before we emerged from our mother’s womb. The central issue of the heart is love, and when it faces a lack of it (which it usually does), the heart suffers and begins to close itself off from that suffering and, thus, from its own feelings.

In HeartHealth, the heart is defined as the vulnerability of being. Through a careful study of life, we can see that this is the principal quality of existence that most people avoid, like the plague. Christ himself said that we must be born again, and he was referring to a return to vulnerability, a return to the pure feeling that is so natural to infants and young children.

The healthy human heart needs warmth,
is warmth and can give warmth to others.
The deeper we dive into the heart and open
to its super intelligent ways, the more balanced, coherent,
and healthy our bodies, minds, and emotions become.

Disease can show us how invulnerable we have become, how walled off we are from the world and our inner reality. One of the great secrets of life has to do with the power of the heart and what a return to its vulnerability can offer a person sick and dying of disease.

People are emotionally fragile when sick, and being told you have cancer or AIDS can completely shatter a person’s emotional world. Daniel Goleman explains in his book Emotional Intelligence that this is because “our mental well-being is usually based in part on the illusion of invulnerability.” Understanding vulnerability teaches us that returning to the vulnerable space is necessary and healthy. Vulnerability is the capacity or susceptibility to being hurt. It is not a weakness but a capacity to feel. For most people, the feeling of being exposed to emotional hurt or exposed to being taken advantage of/abused relates to feelings of vulnerability.

Secrets of Light

Red sunset over the sea, rich in dark clouds, rays of light

“It seems clear that light is the most important environmental input, after food, in controlling bodily function,” reported Richard J. Wurtman, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology nutritionist. “Sometimes I get the impression my dermatologist colleagues would be happiest if we lived in caves,” continues Wurtman, who recommends daily 20-minute walks at noon to get the Sunlight we need.

Plants love to turn toward the light stretch for it, and so do we. Light, heat, color, warmth, energy, electrons, electricity, and electromagnetism interact with the water in us, increasing energy and ATP production. Light animates us because we are light. We need light.

All living cells of plants, animals, and humans emit bio-photons, which cannot be seen by the naked eye but can be measured by special equipment. This light emission is an expression of the functional state of the living organism, and its measurement, therefore, can be used to assess this state. Differences in bio-photon emission can discriminate between cancer and healthy cells of the same type.

Light is essential. It is the backbone of life and, as such, can be used as a potent medicine. However, most research about Sunlight’s beneficial effects and its relationship to cancer centers on vitamin D levels, which is only the beginning of light as a medicine story.

“Sunlight dominates the chemistry of the blood. People who do not get Sunlight do not have the same richness and redness of blood as those who secure plenty of Sunlight. There is not a tissue nor a function in the body that is not benefited by regular and judicious sunbathing,” writes Herbert M. Shelton, author of Fasting and Sun Bathing.

In the 1900s, research by Augusta Rollier led to the establishment of solaria buildings designed to optimize exposure to Sunlight throughout Switzerland for sunbathing, which provided impressive results for fighting tuberculosis, smallpox, lupus, and even chronic diseases like arthritis.

“Cancer is helped by sunbathing. Those who get more Sunlight have less cancer. Sunbathing heals cancer by building up the immune system and increasing the oxygen in the tissues. Sunlight does not cause skin cancer unless one suffers through chronic sunburn,” writes Dr. Zane R. Kime, author of Sunlight Could Save Your Life.

We are light, we need light, and we love light, so soak up the light. If you wait until all doctors agree on the value of light in cancer treatment, it’s a good bet you’ll be long dead from cancer or other causes. Light is ‘bioactive,’ meaning light is absorbed by and affects the functioning of human cells. Light is an essential nutrient for cellular health.

Because we are the light of this world, as the Bible says, we can use light to save our lives, live longer, and prosper. Without the sun’s heat and light, the earth would be a lifeless ball of ice-coated rock. The sun warms our seas, stirs our atmosphere, generates our weather patterns, and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide food and oxygen for life.

Secrets of Water

Water plays a leading role in living processes, as everyone knows. Still, it is secret that water mediates the interaction between radiant energy and physical existence by allowing itself to be structured by light energy. Water is light sensitive as we are light sensitive, and the frequencies of life that shine on us and that we absorb or reject reveal much about how we think, feel, and react to things and our environment.

Dr. Gerald Pollack’s famous lecture Water, Energy, and Life: Fresh Views From the Water’s Edge speaks to these questions. Dr. Pollack, professor of bioengineering, received the highest honor that the University of Washington at Seattle in the United States could confer on its staff for his work with water. He demonstrates enough hard experimental science about water to redefine our understanding of health and medicine and the interaction between water and the subtle realms of energy, light, color, and life. “It turns out that liquid crystalline water and Sunlight are practically all we need for energy and life. Just add Sunlight for energy and life,” writes Dr. Mae-Wan Ho.

The initial discovery that Pollack and his colleague Zheng Jian-ming reported in 2003 was that water forms a massive “exclusion zone” (EZ) next to the surface of hydrophilic (water-loving) gels. The EZ is so named because it excludes solutes, i.e., substances dissolved in the water. By putting into the water solutes large enough to be seen under the microscope, or even with the naked eye, the EZ shows up as a region completely clear of the solute. Thus, when a suspension of microspheres 0.5 to 2 mm in diameter is put into a chamber with the gel, a clear zone free of microspheres soon develops next to the gel and typically ends up hundreds of microns thick. Once it is formed, this EZ is stable, if undisturbed, for days or weeks.

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho asserts, “Water associated with the cell-cell water—is not like regular water in bulk. Instead, the water molecules are aligned in ordered layers over a matrix of extended proteins in the “protoplasm.” The multiple layers of water molecules are aligned over protein surfaces, where they play an important role in helping amino acids find their contact partners and how the whole chains of proteins fold up. It seems that highly charged amino acids don’t like to be in direct contact, and such contacts are unstable, whereas the contact is stabilized if mediated by water. Water induces protein folding and binding and actively participates via long-range water-mediated contacts. Adding water may improve protein docking, protein, and drug design strategies, and contribute to understanding the important role water plays in the function of proteins.”

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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