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Using Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) for Kidney Cancer

Published on September 6, 2012


Dear Dr. Sircus,

My name is Annmarie and I’d like to thank you for your research and for making it available to us. My children were able to enjoy another summer with their Grandfather, 74, who had been diagnosed with 4th stage kidney cancer last November, and we give glory to the Lord for helping us to find your Sodium Bicarbonate book, which we believe helped save his life. My father-in-law was declared cancer free this past May! We spent two weeks with him in northern WI boating and fishing and just enjoying spending time with him. I thought I would share this good news with you!

Annmarie Kampf

This is good news and one can easily cry when reading such things. I intend to start to hit the world of medicine over the head with a crowbar about the use of sodium bicarbonate. I am still learning new things about baking soda and why it is the stellar medicine it is. I am trying to take more myself to reverse the process of ageing that coincides with increasing bicarbonate deficiency.

One would think that because it is used so frequently in emergency room and intensive care wards more people and health professionals would get it. But like iodine there is a phobia against it especially when it is recommended as a prime chemo agent against cancer.

Everyone knows (or should know) that taking sodium bicarbonate orally or bathing in a tub saturated with it results in a shift of the body’s pH to less acidic and more alkaline. That’s because baking soda is an electron donor and turns into carbon dioxide in the stomach. Bottom line, as the pH rises, so does cellular voltage as well as cellular oxygen levels. I will be publishing a lot about this in the next few weeks because one of the great secrets of life is found on this axis of O2, CO2, pH and cell voltage.

We increase cell voltage when we take sodium bicarbonate. It’s amazing but it’s true—when  we take simple baking soda we raise the energy and performance level of cellular activity. This is good for the cells and helps them shake off infections and cancer. Baking soda has long been known as an excellent medicine for the kidneys, and dialysis units use bicarbonate regularly but they, like everyone else, don’t want to brag about it. The medical effects of sodium bicarbonate administration make it obvious that carbon dioxide is a nutrient with an instant and positive effect and this has been known for a long time.

Carbon Dioxide Medicine

Carbon dioxide is, in fact, a more fundamental component of living matter than is oxygen. Life probably existed on earth for millions of years prior to the carboniferous era, in an atmosphere containing a much larger amount of carbon dioxide than at present. There may even have been a time when there was no free oxygen available in the air,” wrote from the Cyclopedia of Medicine, 1940. He also said “Carbon dioxide is the chief hormone of the entire body, it is the only one that is produced by every tissue and that probably acts on every organ.”

According to Henderson, carbon dioxide exerts at least three well-defined influences:

(1) It is one of the prime factors in the acid-base balance of the blood.
(2) It is the principal control of respiration.
(3) It exerts an essential tonic influence upon the heart and peripheral circulation.

Because carbon dioxide is absolutely crucial to life and because it is an absolutely essential component of protoplasm, and because therapeutic increase of carbon dioxide is the most effective means of improving the oxygenation of the blood and tissues, we need to finally learn about sodium bicarbonate and why we should use it so much in general medicine, cancer treatment, and as a frontline medicine against the new antibiotic resistant pathogens that are spreading out from hospitals now into people’s homes.

Kidneys, Dehydration, Voltage & pH

Sodium bicarbonate has to be high on the list of medical priorities for anyone with kidney cancer or any kidney disease. Research by British scientists at the Royal London Hospital has shown that sodium bicarbonate can dramatically slow the progress of chronic kidney disease.

Dr. S. K. Hariachar, a nephrologist who oversees the Renal Hypertension Unit in Tampa, Florida stated, upon seeing the research on bicarbonate and kidney disease, “I am glad to see confirmation of what we have known for so long. I have been treating my patients with bicarbonate for many years in attempts to delay the need for dialysis, and now we finally have a legitimate study to back us up. Not only that, we have the added information that some people already on dialysis can reverse their condition with the use of sodium bicarbonate.”

John, a dialysis technician at the same center as Dr. Hariachar, who used to be on dialysis himself for two years as a result of kidney failure, had his kidneys miraculously start functioning to the point where dialysis was no longer needed. He states that he was prescribed oral doses of sodium bicarbonate throughout his treatment and still takes it daily to prevent recurrences of kidney failure. Dr. Hariachar maintains, though, that not everyone will be helped by taking bicarbonate. He says that those patients who have difficulty excreting acids, even with dialysis using a bicarbonate dialysate bath, that, “oral bicarbonate makes all the difference.”

The kidneys alone produce about 250 grams (about half a pound) of bicarbonate per day in an attempt to neutralize acid in the body.

The human body is a bio-electrical water machine that requires approximately a liter (quart) a day for every 25 kilos (55 pounds) of body weight. The kidneys are especially sensitive to changes in hydration for the kidneys rule the water element.

The kidneys monitor and control the acidity or “acid-base” (pH) balance of the blood. If the blood is too acidic, the kidney makes bicarbonate to restore the bloods pH balance. If the blood is too alkaline, then the kidney excretes bicarbonate into the urine to restore the balance. Acid-base balance is the net result of two processes: first, the removal of bicarbonate subsequent to hydrogen ion production from the metabolism of dietary constituents; second, the synthesis of “new” bicarbonate by the kidney.

Sodium bicarbonate possesses the property of absorbing heavy metals, dioxins and furans. Comparison of cancer tissue with healthy tissue from the same person shows that the cancer tissue has a much higher concentration of toxic chemicals, pesticides, etc. This is reason enough why bicarbonate is indicated in the treatment of cancer.


An imbalance associated with the water element is indicated by: adrenal exhaustion, general fatigue, hearing loss, premature aging, bone problems, urinary problems, infertility, memory difficulties, back pain and knee weakness—all of which point to disruption of water energy and kidney function in Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a lot to teach western allopathic doctors about the kidneys, its dysfunctions and treatment. For 5000 years kidney weakness has been the main focus of Chinese medicine while allopathic medicine is young and inexperienced in this regard. When it comes to kidney dysfunction, orthodox medicine demonstrates a lack of sensitivity by paying attention to what is going on in the kidneys “only” when they begin to fail. TCM has diagnostic tools to monitor kidney function on much subtler levels enabling effective treatments long before an allopath begins to take notice of anything wrong.

The job of the kidneys is to keep the right amount of water in the body and purify the blood.

Along with controlling the amount of water in our bodies, our kidneys filter our blood and excrete waste products in the urine, leaving nutrients in the bloodstream. In order to fulfill their main function of excreting waste products our kidneys require a minimum amount of water. Healthy kidneys vital to every organ system. The kidneys control the creeks, mountain streams and rivers of our body. They give us our ability to be like a young person: flexible and fluid in body, mind and spirit.

The effects of dehydration at a mild to moderate level:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Poor concentration
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Decreased metabolism

We can easily say that these are all symptoms of low voltage and low pH as oxygen levels drop and CO2 goes into short supply. If you feel fatigued, vaguely ill or worse, chances are you are experiencing drops in all of these basic parameters.

There are so many reasons why bicarbonate should be used to treat kidney cancer and kidney disease in general but it is also useful to remember that magnesium is the mineral of rejuvenation and prevents the calcification of our kidneys and other tissues that is characteristic of the old-age-related degeneration of our body.

Bicarbonate ion concentrations decrease the formation of acid by carbonic anhydrase enzyme (Le Chatelier’s principle). In the presence of magnesium and bicarbonate ions, less acid is produced by carbonic anhydrase enzyme.[1] Sodium bicarbonate-rich mineral water in conjunction with a low-salt diet has a beneficial effect on calcium homeostasis.[2]

Sodium bicarbonate administration increases urinary pH. Urinary pH between 6.5 and 7.0 can keep uric acid ionized and prevent its crystallization in renal tubules.

Sodium bicarbonate can prevent the formation of uric acid kidney stones and can help dissolve existing uric acid stones. Sodium bicarbonate makes the urine less acidic, which makes uric acid kidney stone formation less likely. Kidney stones develop when urine concentrations of minerals and other dissolved substances get so high that the minerals can no longer remain dissolved. Stones can also form if the pH (acid-alkaline balance) of urine is too high or too low. In all cases, the minerals form insoluble crystals and precipitate, or drop out, of the urine, exactly the same way too much sugar drops to the bottom of a glass of iced tea. The crystals collect in the kidney ducts, slowly solidifying into stones.

“Studies conducted at the University of Bari in Italy clearly demonstrated that a hallmark of all tumors, regardless of their origin or background, is their acidic environment. In fact, tumor progression increased with an acidic pH and hypoxia, or a low oxygen level,” writes Dr. Veronique Desaulniers. In the future we need to see the full translation when we read this meaning that the hallmark of all tumors is low cellular voltage and low CO2 levels as well. These researchers say that, “Cancer cells and tissues, regardless of their origin and genetic background, have an aberrant regulation of hydrogen ion dynamics leading to a reversal of the intracellular to extracellular pH gradient (ΔpHi to ΔpHe) in cancer cells and tissue as compared to normal tissue. This perturbation in pH dynamics rises very early in carcinogenesis and is one of the most common patho-physiological hallmarks of tumors.”

[1] Bamberger and Avron 1975 Plant Physiol 56: 481-485

[2] Effect of sodium chloride- and sodium bicarbonate-rich mineral water on blood pressure and metabolic parameters in elderly normotensive individuals: a randomized double-blind crossover trial. J Hypertens. 1996 Jan;14(1):131-5. Department of Internal Medicine, Universitatsklinikum Benjamin Franklin, Free University of Berlin, Germany.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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