Today’s children are hit with more shots in a day then most of us were hit with in our entire childhood. No doubt certain pharmaceutical madmen fantasize having a permanent tubular hookup with every child receiving constant (24/7) chemical injection. Pharmaceutical terrorism and medical madness is alive and well in this world of ours and is part of the backbone of our modern civilization.
A careful study of pharmaceutical terrorism entails taking a trip into the darkest places that exist in humanity and it is no accident that when we make the journey we find ourselves in places where doctors and scientists work together as they did in Nazi Germany. This subject takes us to the bottom cellars of hell, into the deepest and darkest dungeon, into a place and into a type of person that defiles the very nature of beauty, love, a place where all human heart is lost. The Nazi doctors offer us a view of monsters that have remained invisible, dressed as they are eternally in three-piece suits or white lab coats.
Let’s face it, our children’s lives have been ruined. Have you ever lived with a family that has a child with Thimerosal-induced autism? It’s not pretty. Not only do many of these children have no lives but they live in a daily hell that many cannot even begin to imagine.They can’t sleep. They can’t communicate. They bang their heads and roll up in pain. Many have eating disorders or cannot tolerate most foods. And many are easy targets of sexual predators.– Lori McIlwain
There is a direct line of continuity that can be traced between a group of men and companies that arose to the heights of industrial power years before Hitler, men and companies who existed and supported the rise of Nazi Germany, and who continued on to the present day in comfortable corporate luxury and power. (The personnel, infrastructure and technology of companies like Bayer, for example, have flowed on continuously through 3 incarnations of corporate name and structure.) The greatest criminals in the history of the world actually were not these Nazi doctors; they were and still are the people who populate the top hierarchies of the giant pharmaceutical and chemical companies of the world and the men and woman who work for them shuffling back and forth between these companies and the CDC and FDA in the United States. Yet most of these men, like many before them, will plead complete ignorance to all harm that they are doing. I published many stories like the following in my free eBook The Terror of Pediatric Medicine.
Bayer experimental drugs were tested on Auschwitz prisoners.One of the SS doctors at Auschwitz, Dr. Helmut Vetter, a longtime Bayer employee, was involved in the testing of Bayer experimental vaccines and medicines on inmates. He was later executed for giving inmates fatal injections. “I have thrown myself into my work wholeheartedly,” he wrote to his bosses at Bayer headquarters. “Especially as I have the opportunity to test our new preparations. I feel like I am in paradise.”
More information on this is available in the Humane Pediatrics Book.