Nature is stepping in, spitting in the globalists’ faces with record cold and snow, not heat. A record-setting winter storm is sweeping the United States, unleashing heavy snow, freezing temperatures, and hazardous conditions from coast to coast.
It is the eve of Thanksgiving so be careful traveling. Shockingly cold air funneled directly from the Arctic will be making an unwelcome appearance. The Arctic blast will grip the United States starting Thanksgiving Day, sending temperatures plunging far below seasonal averages, affecting over 230 million people by Friday, and dropping copious volumes of snow. By Saturday (Nov 30), temperatures across much of the country will have plummeted as much as 25 F below normal.
Last Saturday, we read that more than a foot of snow fell in parts of Upstate New York and northeastern Pennsylvania. High Point, New Jersey, reported 20 inches of snow, while 19 inches fell in Cortez, Pennsylvania, and 17.1 inches were on the ground in Franklin, New York. The Sierra Nevada also expects a burial this week, with an additional 7 feet of snow in the forecast. It is a little early for winter yet winter is here.

A powerful cold wave is also sweeping into Europe, already delivering record-breaking temperatures and heavy snowfall. Heavy snow blanketed parts of Germany, Austria, Italy, and other Alpine nations, creating hazardous conditions and widespread disruptions. Authorities are urging caution as Europe braces for one of its most intense early winter storms in years.
France has seen remarkable snowfall in recent days, with Paris experiencing its most significant early-season accumulation in 55 years since 1969. The snow that fell late last week transformed the City of Light, blanketing it white. In Austria, the Tyrolean slopes received 80 cm (2.62 ft) in just two days.

England’s Lowest Temp Since 2014
Topcliffe, a village in North Yorkshire, recorded -9.4C (15.1F) early Thursday morning, marking England’s lowest November temperature since the ‘Arctic Outbreak’ of 2010. BBC weatherman Paul Hudson confirmed the record on X. A slew of locales broke longer-standing regional records. For example, the coastal town of Bridlington set its lowest November temperature since 1987, with thermometers bottoming out at -6C (21.2F).
Denver saw 20 inches, marking the city’s third-largest November snowstorm since records began. The weather maps below show the snow coverage by Nov 28.
Beijing Braces For Cold Wave
Beijing’s 21+ million residents have been issued a ‘blue’ cold wave alert, signaling “an imminent sharp temperature drop” and “severe weather conditions.” Snow commenced Sunday night and is forecast to persist through Monday, with blizzard conditions anticipated in certain regions. Following the snowfall, strong winds and freezing temperatures are expected to dominate throughout the week.
In preparation, Beijing’s urban management authorities have mobilized over 35,000 personnel, 5,121 snow-clearing vehicles, and more than 4,600 pieces of snow-removal machinery to address the anticipated snow and ice accumulations.
Bhopal India broke a 25-year record for November with its nighttime lows of 9.4C (48.9F). Areas outside of St Petersburg Russia have reported meter-high drifts (3.3 feet). By early December, more than half of the Northern Hemisphere is expected to be under snow. As per latest GFS runs, ALL of Greenland will be engulfed by a mass of Arctic air, plunging much of the island to -20 to -30C below historical norms. Just what we would expect during the warmest years of modern times.
South Korea’s snow cause cancellations and delays. Seoul has seen its heaviest November snowfall since records began in 1907, bringing the South Korean capital to a standstill. The sudden and heavy dumping created treacherous conditions across the country, not just Seoul.
The Crippling of the West via CO2 Emissions Reductions is a Genius Play
China’s $1.3 Trillion Climate Ransom: CO2 Wars. The world’s largest coal burner—China—has demanded $1.3 trillion annually from Western nations to supposedly “address climate change.” A nation that has single-handedly outpaced the coal consumption of the rest of the planet combined now expects taxpayers from countries bending over backward to reduce emissions to bankroll its dubious environmental efforts.
Politicians can be idiotic about climate change, incredibly so. The foggy weather of the last month in Germany brought green electricity production to a virtual standstill. Not only have particularly climate-damaging power plants been brought into operation as a replacement for wind and solar power, but prices have also exploded.
As world leaders convene in Azerbaijan for COP29, absurdity, irony, and outright idiocy ascend to new heights. U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer‘s latest target to slash UK CO2 emissions by more than 80% by 2035 will, according to even his advisers, demand massive sacrifices: cutting meat and dairy, reducing travel, and banning gas boilers. In the same breath, Starmer insists he won’t “tell people how to live.”
Professor Richard Lindzen’s words resonate stronger than ever: “It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world—that carbon dioxide, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.” It is not just the life of plants, but all of our lives depend on CO2 as much as it does on oxygen. Life depends on carbon dioxide!
Greg Hunter from writes, “Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the recent best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” has just returned from the UN’s COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan (Conference of the Parties and the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference). Newman says the UN’s COP 29 is not about fixing climate change. Newman, who is an award-winning journalist, says it’s a total rip-off of the West and will lead to the destruction of the middle class. By the way, there is a near blackout of reporting at this global conference, where the UN wants to control everything. Newman explains, “The climate scam underpins the entire project to build this New World Order: the one world political system, technocratic economic system, and even the one world religious system. So, this all rolls into the climate scam. If the climate scam falls apart, all of the other pillars of this machine will fall apart.”
We Must Pray That The Climate Scam Falls Apart
“Greens were hammered in the European Parliament elections, in French elections, and in three German state elections. But did that change the policies of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyden? Of course not! No sun. No wind. Hello Germany, care to rethink your Green New Deal?” writes Mish Talk.
Mish continues, “The directors of misinformation are MSNBC, CNN, ABC, the View, CBS, Biden, Harris, and the Washington Post. Democrats sought to silence everyone who even slightly disagreed with any they think. Additionally, the mainstream has hyped up every weather-related event as “climate change.” Half the nation is still brainwashed. Real or imagined, this is why the government can’t mandate climate fixes faster than technology can deliver. People will revolt. There have been Green energy revolts in France, Belgium, three German states, and Austria, and now we have a collapse of the German government partially due to Green energy.”
The climate narrative is a lucrative one, embedded in trillions of dollars of funding and economy-reshaping policies. For it to be maintained, it requires a disconnect from reality.
Trump To The Rescue
With Donald Trump reelected to the White House, the establishment’s climate crusaders are in full meltdown mode. After years of carefully constructed narratives, costly policies, and relentless media campaigns, the U.S. is once again under a president who sees through the green agenda’s most extravagant demands. For Western leaders clinging to the climate religion, Trump’s return is a catastrophe. His administration has wasted no time setting the stage to once again exit the Paris Agreement and dismantle policies that have drained U.S. resources in the name of climate “justice”—policies that were eagerly embraced by global elites but increasingly rejected by ordinary citizens.
The reaction from the climate establishment has been one of disbelief and alarm. News outlets and policymakers who’d championed Biden’s “Net Zero” obsession and the Inflation Reduction Act’s green subsidies are scrambling to salvage a movement that seems on its last legs. Op-eds decrying Trump’s “climate denial” are flooding the media as activists panic over what they fear will be the unraveling of years of work. UN leaders are in crisis meetings, attempting to assess how they can enforce the costly commitments made under the Paris Agreement without the U.S.—the world’s largest economy and former climate financier—bankrolling their agenda.