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American Democracy Is A Disgrace To the Human Race

Published on January 31, 2024

America has proven that democracy is a disgrace, a sham, even something hideous, something that does not work. In reality, Americans only pretend to be a democracy. However, whatever process they do have is cruel; it’s heartless, as seen in that the majority of the country’s 100 Senators are psychopaths, each one responsible for many thousands of deaths as they continue to lust for war.

How many Americans would vote for continuing the war in Ukraine and take money right out of their pockets? Or use their credit cards and fund the war with money they do not have, precisely what Biden wants to do.

House Jan. 6 Committee deleted over 100 encrypted
days before the GOP took the majority.

Democracy does not work in populations that find it impossible to listen to each other. It does not work when elected officials commit crimes without consequence. If democracy exists in America, then we have to say its populations are without any idea how to elect sensible people to office. In a democracy, truth must matter, which the American government and media are completely against.

Never trust the experts, the system, the
conventional wisdom, the madness of crowds.
Brownstone Institute

“It’s impossible to describe all these Empire-centric concentric rings of corruption and institutionalized organized crime to a brainwashed collective West. Team Biden: a corporate combo featuring low-rent messengers such as de facto neocon Little Blinkie. They do what they’re told by wealthy “donors” and the financial-military interests that really run the show,” writes Pepe Escobar.

Brandon Smith writes, “Democrats are indignant because red states are forcing them to suffer the consequences of their warped ideals. Leftists have a rule: Never admit when they are wrong, even if it means self-destruction.” And self-destruction is evident on the Southern border, where perhaps a civil war is developing between red states and the federal government. The American nightmare is worsening by the day, with its politicians having no idea of what sensible things to do.

The Democratic Party has gone so completely
off-the-rails psychologically
that it will do
anything to avert losing control of the government.
James Howard Kunstler

The aura of authority around the central government is gradually being pierced and destroyed. Paul Craig Roberts writes, “I have come to the depressing conclusion that the white ethnicities that constituted the nations of Western Civilization have degenerated into such insouciance and stupidity that they have no possibility of survival. They sit mindlessly in front of the TV, absorbing their brainwashing and indoctrination. They can’t pay their rent, mortgage, or car payments, but they pay endlessly for the care of immigrant invaders who are overwhelming their communities with material needs.”

A significant majority of U.S. voters support Texas in its efforts to bolster security on the U.S.–Mexico border amid an influx of illegal immigrants by putting up razor wire barriers to block unlawful crossings, a new poll shows. The poll, conducted by Rasmussen and published on Jan. 29, found that 69 percent of likely U.S. voters support Texas’s strategy. The poll was taken from Jan. 23 to 25 and captured the views of 940 likely voters; it has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent.

Connor O’Keeffe writes, “In the United States, the political establishment has for many years evoked democracy to legitimize its actions in the eyes of the public. Doing so transforms any action they take into an embodiment of the people’s will and any opposition into a selfish denial of everyone else’s wishes.”

“The establishment is unwilling to admit that they are the reason Trump was elected. But, ironically, by attempting to disqualify him from participating in the election, they undermine the illusion of democracy—their main source of legitimacy in the eyes of many Americans. It’s hard to see how that will go well for them.”

Democracy in America was probably raped in 1913 with the establishment of the private Federal Reserve Bank, with President Wilson publically admitting as much. When money rules, the roost of democracy is extinguished and relegated to fantasy land. Washington is a place where people talk politely about sociopaths. They even smile at them. Honesty cannot exist in such climates. Truth becomes a lost cause. On the other hand, war and killing become the central pillar of human civilization. In a world armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons, we see why billionaires are building vast underground bunkers.

No Border – Say Goodbye to America. No America, no democracy.

No good comes from American elections, with the following year promising to rip America apart. “The people in charge have absolutely zero fiscal restraint. Zero responsibility. Zero sense of how destructive their actions are. They spend money and go deeper into debt as if there will never be any consequences until the end of time. They’re disgustingly ignorant and dangerous,” writes Simon Black.

Davos et al. would rather burn the world to the
ground than give up their perception of control over it.

Michael Snyder writes, “Ultimately, America’s biggest problem is that our country has become completely saturated with evil. From the very top to the very bottom of society, we have eagerly embraced evil, and just about every form of wickedness you can imagine is exploding all around us. Everyone knows that our politicians are deeply corrupt, and many of them do things that should get them sent to prison for a very long time.”

There is no difference between psychopaths and politicians.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama revealed she’s “terrified” about the potential results of the 2024 presidential race, calling it a fear that keeps her up at night. “I am terrified about what could possibly happen.” It seems whoever or whichever side wins, her fears might be justified. But is she secretly terrified of another four years of Biden and what that would do to the country? What should be giving her and many Americans nightmares is the invasion and destruction of the country by illegal immigrants.

Faith in the priesthood of the elite is fading,
and the consent of the governed is eroding.

In a real democracy, if the people’s will is satisfied, Trump should be elected because so many voters are in his corner. Less than a third are in Bidden’s corner, so if he were elected, democracy would be in ruins. Trump won by a landslide in the first contest in the Republican race for a presidential nominee, the margin as comfortable as the polls had predicted for months. If you believe in democracy, you have to respect the voters. I do not think there is a Democrat alive who has respect for Trump voters, which is perhaps as high as half the country.

Half of all likely voters felt that the U.S. having a functioning democracy is a more significant concern than the country having a strong economy over the next few years, per a CBS poll. Still, in Iowa, Biden-led invasion on the Southern border topped all concerns.

The younger generation was also most likely to express displeasure with older leadership in political office, with nearly 58% saying that “we won’t be able to solve the country’s big problems until the older generation no longer holds power,” regardless of party affiliation, according to the poll.

Everyone knows that Colorado and Main tried to wipe Trump from running for president. Still, few know that the candidacy of President Joe Biden is being challenged in Illinois, and some voters are trying to remove it from the primary ballot. A total of three objections were filed last week against Biden. “Our objection is to reinforce that We, The People, will not tolerate betrayal,” said Stonington resident Bouvet.

Objectors in Biden’s case assert he has “given aid or comfort to the enemies” as a U.S. senator, vice president, and president. “Biden has given aid and comfort to enemies of the Constitution and the United States by, among other things, failing to enforce the laws of the United States, allowing entry of enemy agents illegally into the country including tens of thousands of military age men, and abandoning assets of the United States to the possession of our enemies,” the objectors wrote in their filing.

However, all this pales in the face of the scale of betrayal if Washington surrenders the independence of the United States to the World Health Organization by signing a treaty this spring, giving the WHO complete control of the country during any pandemic they might declare. That would throw democracy entirely out the window, which the country’s leaders might do. The head of the WHO is pushing hard for a pandemic adjustment as it has pushed hard for mandating COVID-19 vaccines for children. If Bill Gates and his friends had their way, they would have vaccinated the human race out of existence through gene modification vaccine therapy. Would people vote for that?

The Invasion and Betrayal of America

The current crop of leadership is somewhere between insane and traitors, and it is doubtful that anyone can reverse the invasion of America by illegal immigrants. America has been invaded, and it is already destroying its cities. Are that many voters insane and traitors for electing and backing its leaders? Even when Trump was president and wanted to build a wall, the insanity was all around him, and even if elected again, how much could he do with so many hostile, insane traitors surrounding him in the government?

But half the country hates Trump, and the other half is madly in love with him, so America has a problem. Yet two-thirds are disgusted with Biden, though how anyone could support his policies baffles. As far as I can see from a distance, his supporters are demented Democrats who are all in favor of destroying the United States of America through their joy of allowing a large-scale invasion along America’s Southern border. Republicans are warmongers, but Trump is not.

A new narrative is being rolled out in the 2024 U.S. presidential election debates. After President Joe Biden called former President Donald Trump a threat to democracy in a recent speech, corporate news outlets have published a steady stream of articles using this narrative. Biden is all for war. And he is for the betrayal of Americans with vicious genetic vaccines. Hell is waiting for the vaccinationists, and that includes hundreds of thousands of doctors and nurses who did the dirty deed. The bad news is that we can only expect things in America and the world to worsen.

Image Credit: bing image creator

“The time to speak out against the foolish policies of our leaders is before the entire world is engulfed in flames. Once thousands of missiles start flying, it will be too late,” writes Michael Snyder. If democracy is for war, I am against democracy, and no one would argue that America is in love with war. But I never met an American who lusted for war, so is America a democracy or not? When will the people draw the line? The mainstream of life is a sick joke, destined to crumble financially. Many are watching as conflict and war expand across the globe.

The polarization and fractures have become too deep to repair. The country, and the Western world in general, are hurtling towards a darkening abyss of civil conflict, financial collapse, global war, societal chaos, and loss of life on a scale grander than WW2, the Civil War, and the American Revolution combined.”

People have not yet accepted the fact that they are mere slaves
in a world run by psychopaths and has positioned
themselves as weak obedient followers awaiting slaughter.
Gary D. Barnett

Life is “under siege.” The public has failed to heed this message, and now, “time is up,” but the people who wrote that have no idea what they are talking about. The authors wrote that the catalyst behind the dire warnings is escalating carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, which is the ultimate boogie man.

Does This Sound Like a Democracy?

The Brownstein Insitute says:

The Biden Department of Justice will not give dissidents the courtesy of a pandemic amnesty. Instead, the targets of the regime will join the ranks of Americans punished by the Department of Justice for their resistance while nondescript bureaucratic tyrants continue their careers unscathed.

The damage to the nation, however, cannot be glossed over. Learning loss, business closures, vaccine injuries, the erosion of trust in all major institutions, trillions of dollars added to the national debt, trillions more in collateral damage, and the institution of a censorship state will take decades to fix, if possible.

But there is no indication that the powerful will be held accountable for their imposed damage. Instead, the Biden Administration has targeted citizens who resisted its irrational edicts. The same mandates for which they insist they must be granted an “amnesty.” Such actions only increase the devastation of a disastrous policy response.

Evil people have taken over the world and almost every government in it. Democracy does not work with evil in control of everything. And the greatest failing of the general public is not to see evil even when it is right in front of their faces—evil dresses up like the good guys, often wearing white coats. Do you think mainstream doctors practicing pharmaceutical terrorism are the good guys? Not being able to see evil is a severe mental handicap that is widespread among the public.

The Democrats have almost complete control of the narratives. Though it seems crazy, there seem to be people who want to destroy America and have convinced at least half the masses – that wrong is right, abnormal is normal, deviant is ordinary, lies are truth, the government is here to help, and thinking for yourself is dangerous.

Our Culture Tells Leaders Never to Admit They Were Wrong.

“To admit fault is to betray weakness that people in public life feel they can’t afford. Yet, if we can’t admit mistakes, there can be no culture of reflection in our politics. And without a culture of reflection, we won’t learn from our mistakes. Nor can we trust one another (or our leaders) to do so,” writes John Wood Jr.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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