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Shut Up, Don’t Ask, Don’t Listen – Islamic Law

Published on January 20, 2025

A central strategy has been used successfully to silence the truth. The labels of “conspiracy theorist,” “anti-vaxxer,” “climate denier,” “racist,” etc., are designed to shut down debates on the most critical topics modern civilization faces. The mainstream narrative, which includes the entire political establishment of the West, has made a habit of ridiculing those pointing out the obvious. The “anti-Semitism” label is no different. Expect to see it wielded with great tyranny.

Former US Army General Wesley Clark revealed a controversial military strategy many years ago. His 2007 revelation raised many questions about the real motivations of the “War on Terror” and the garbage narrative fed to the world via mainstream media.

According to Clark, the decision to attack Iraq was made without clear justification, underlining officials’ inability to deal effectively with the terrorist threat. A conversation between Clark and another senior Pentagon official revealed the uncertainty and confusion within the upper echelons of the military. “Are we going to war with Iraq? Why? ” Clark asked. The answer was puzzling: “I don’t know. I guess they don’t know what else to do.”

This admission highlighted the lack of a coherent strategy and a willingness to use military power to topple governments rather than directly confront what is at the heart of terrorism. Clark’s statement emphasized how the “War on Terror” had been executed ineffectively and for political reasons rather than a real need for national security.

Islamic Sharia Law, Infidels, and Rape

What is it that politicians in Europe and the United States refuse to address about terrorism? One needs to look no further than at rape, gang rape, and sexual and religious violence. Rape is manifesting in new ways never seen before in the West.

Rape is more acceptable to Muslim men, so men can gather in mass to do their raping. The greatest and most terrible act of terrorism is sexual violence against women and children. Even though anyone from anywhere can be a rapist causing terrible suffering for the rest of the life of victims, a significant part of rape comes from religion.

Everyone knows at this point how the attitudes of the Catholic Church lead to priests sexually abusing the young ones in their congregations, and through the years, the news has been full of that. It does seem like the celibacy teachings and practices of priests are not able to abolish the sexual impulse, so it gets expressed in hurtful ways. But the church will never give up the practice of celibacy, though I just read that in Italy, they are accepting homosexual priests.

Christianity is criticized for every misstep against women,
but Islam is protected from the glare of scrutiny

However, that is not what this essay is about. What I mentioned above is not considered or related to the terrorist threat. There are many layers to this subject, but the principle one has to do with Islamic teachings about infidels and what Muslims are allowed to do to them in the name of Allah. There is a clash of civilizations under the hood of this subject, and in the face of it, just about every politician in the West and even the Pope are cowards. And at this point, especially in Europe, it is overly threatening. The overriding fearful concept that politicians hide behind is racism, which prevents the West from confronting the real terrorist threat. So, war is preferable, and the mass rape of women is the result.

It Is Hard to Believe, but It Is True

A young girl hides her face with her hands

To his credit, Musk is dragging out this subject and slinging it directly into the face of the British Prime Minister, though the entire political elite of Europe share the same blame. For decades, vulnerable young white girls were abused by older men of primarily Pakistani origin, while UK authorities looked the other way. Men, predominantly of Pakistani origin, were found to have raped and tortured a large number of vulnerable young girls over 25 years in numerous English towns and cities. The victims, mainly white girls aged between 11 and 18 from troubled homes, were tortured, drugged, and pimped out.

Senior police officers failed to protect girls from
grooming gangs in Rotherham because they prioritised
other crimes to hit Home Office targets, a leaked report has revealed.

Paul Craig Roberts wrote an essay entitled, ‘The Despicable British Government Gave Immigrant-invaders the Right to Rape Underage British Girls.’ The Swedish, French, and German governments did the same. Since the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandals around 20 years ago, there have been around 30 similarly outrageous cases of criminal gangs grooming, drugging, and gang-raping teenage girls in England’s towns and cities. This new report now tells us of another six local authorities and police areas where there is evidence that this abuse is still going on.

The sorry saga surrounding Rotherham dates back to the late 1990s and early 2000s. During this period, rumors that Asian men were abusing young girls on a massive scale in many of England’s northern towns persistently swirled around. Yet, no media outlet wanted to touch the story.

Rather than candidly facing up to the religious roots that motivate terrorist outrages, politicians and the press in Europe often pick up on outpourings of grief and express the need for “unity” as a means of dealing with such violence. The German government pleaded for calm almost a decade ago after the arrest of a teenage Afghan asylum seeker for the alleged rape and murder of a German student triggered fresh criticism of the country’s liberal refugee policy.

Chancellor Angela Merkel, who invited an army of rapists into her country, warned against “rejecting an entire group,” even though these kinds of sexual attacks and violence are commonplace. Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel at the time said the murder of the 19-year-old medical student should not be used to whip up hatred against all refugees. “We will not allow incitement after such violent crimes, no matter who commits them.” Now, the right-wing populist parties are itching to deport as many as possible.

Jeff Thomas wrote, “Most people imagine that they possess a basic understanding of right and wrong. Yet Americans often readily excuse Muslims for crimes against women, as they are merely “practicing their religion.”

Roberts concludes, “If truth be known, Britain and all of Europe are dead men walking. The countries exist only as ruins. The European countries are unable to produce leaders. The people are so brainwashed and indoctrinated that they prefer their children being raped to being called racists for putting a stop to it. European peoples have proved to be incapable of protecting themselves from immigrant invasion. They prefer to fight for Washington against Russia to fight for their existence as ethnic nations.”

If truth be known, I consider the modern medical-industrial complex to be an overwhelming form of terrorism, starting with the FDA and CDC, but again, we divert from the main subject of the West’s War on Terror. There is no war on pharmaceutical or medical terrorism except the censorship and attempt to smear everyone who is against vaccines.

Islamic law, always harsh, is still harsher for women. According to the Koran, men have “authority” over women and may beat them if they are “disobedient” (4:34). According to Mohammad, the prophet of Islam, women are less intelligent than men — two women are needed to equal one man’s testimony — and the majority of hell’s population is made up of women, who are likened to donkeys and dogs in their ability to distract a man from his prayer and thereby annul it. What, then, is Islam’s view of women who are “infidels”? They are, at best, “meant for one thing, the pleasure of the Muslim man.”

No Sharia Law is Possible in the West

If the Western world wants any measure of sanity and peace for itself, it is going to have to outlaw the law of Islam from its countries. Sharia law is not compatible with the Constitution and Western laws in general. Newt Gingrich, the Former House Speaker, said, “Let me be as blunt and direct as possible. Western civilization is in a war. We should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported,” Gingrich said on Fox News. “Sharia Modern Muslims who have given up Sharia are glad to have them as citizens. Perfectly happy to have them next door.” This was said after the exceptionally nasty terrorist attack in Nice, France.

Mary Jo Anderson, a Catholic journalist, agrees with Gingrich, saying, “Failure to identify the ideology of Islamic jihad as ISIL understands the enemy as our flight from truth. It has only emboldened the enemy. Political correctness insists on recasting jihad against the West into a fuzzy “hatred” or “extremism.” This is a civilizational war that we cannot fight without a massive engagement at all levels of our culture – military, political, educational, technical, and social.”

The End of a Nation – Losing Sweden Forever

A large crowd gathers on the pier next to a ship and a crowded ship.

Ten years ago, a pro-government Turkish newspaper placed an ad at Istanbul’s main airport warning against travel to Sweden due to alleged high incidences of rape. According to the Gatestone Institute, “Swedish Sweden will soon be lost forever, and in many areas replaced by a Middle Eastern state of affairs, where different immigrant groups (mainly Muslims) make war on each other as well as on the Swedes.”

Tobias Andersson writes that “A much darker reputation is tarnishing Sweden’s international image: as the rape capital of the Western world. The irresponsible policies of Sweden’s leaders have caused years of suffering for Swedish women. By opening the gates to massive immigration from Africa and the Middle East, Swedish politicians have brought cultures and values in strict opposition to ours. Immigrants raised in societies without respect for women, who see women as possessions whose main purpose in life is to please their husbands, have no place in our liberal society. Many male immigrants, when faced with our liberal lifestyle and beautiful women, are unable to control themselves.”

What is invading the West is a religion that is not open for negotiations. Islamic Law is not compatible with Western law or morality in the least. The Islamic faith is not open to any reformation of its beliefs.

An image of 'rape jhada'

Suiciding Western Civilization with massive amounts of Islamic refugees is what is happening. Europe, America, and the rest of the world will be plunged into a thousand years of darkness and oppression under Islamic Fascism if the West is not careful, which it is not.

The right is rising in Europe because they have the courage and will to deal with the Islamic refugee problem. Recently, we had more corroborated accounts of how the Islamic State turns refugee women into sex slaves, using them as human currency to attract and reward fighters in Libya. It is the exact blueprint of abuse it employed on Yazidi women in Syria and Iraq.

Eventually, the human race will have to face the truth about religion; the violence of Islam will force us to. The present Pope does not want to see the truth, so he goes around preaching that Islam is a religion of peace and ignores what is happening to Christians in Muslim countries.


Raymond Ibrahim’s book Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians makes it clear that “The West risks its own demise by ignoring four truths: 1) a hateful, absolutist ideology drives Islamist violence against non-Muslims, 2) sharia’s draconian penalties for apostasy and blasphemy maximize Muslim demographic growth because nobody can safely criticize or leave Islam (including those converted under duress), 3) sharia destroys the rights and freedoms cherished by the West, 4) sharia creates a Muslim monopoly on the marketplace of ideas – something antithetical to any free society. To survive, the West cannot let sharia laws take root in Muslim-majority communities of Europe and North America.”

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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