President Donald Trump signed an executive order to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (W.H.O.). As Trump was seen signing the executive order, he spoke about how, under his first term, the U.S. “paid $500 million” to the W.H.O., adding that China was paying only $39 million. Trump said he felt that it “seemed a little unfair.”
The Biden administration was prepared to betray Americans by signing the United States to a legally binding treaty with the World Health Organization (WHO) that would give it the lawful authority to dictate America’s policies during a pandemic. Trump shot that down and hurray for him. One has to bend over backward to dig out the good news. Good news is welcome and needed. Trump has done a good deed.
The WHO represents the heart of the pharmaceutical world. They, along with the CDC and the FDA, have been lording over all our lives for decades without complaint from the public. On a medical level, it was already a one-world government until Trump took office and did what many feared he would do. Negotiations on new rules for dealing with pandemics were underway at the World Health Organization (WHO) for a legally binding agreement to be adopted by the U.N. health agencies 194 member countries. Things did not go so well for the WHO as some countries saw that having the WHO in charge could have devastating consequences on the world’s populations.
Dealing with the Devil
What is the true nature of the WHO (World Health Organization);
are they merchants of death or servers of life and health?
Public alarms went off in 2017 when Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was appointed WHO chief. Ethiopia’s foreign ministry has called on the World Health Organization (WHO) to investigate its leader for supporting rebellious forces fighting the Ethiopian government. Instead of dumping Tedros, Trump dumped the whole organization. Tedros is, without a doubt, a frontman for the pharmaceutical industry.
“Tedros Adhanom’s moral, legal, and professional standing threatened WHO’s organizational standing,” Ethiopia said. “He has spread harmful misinformation and compromised WHO’s reputation, independence, and credibility, evident from his social media postings.”
Tedros started his political career by aligning with the TPLF. This hard-left organization later became part of the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front, a coalition of left-wing parties that ruled Ethiopia. (TPLF was classified as a terrorist organization in the Global terror database). According to one Ethiopian newspaper, Tedros was listed as the third most important TPLF’s politburo standing committee member.
National Review demanded in 2017 that the WHO be defunded over Dr. Tedros’ ties to the group, saying, “Dr. Tedros … is a leader of Ethiopia’s brutal minority party. As recently as October 24, 2023, we read that Tedros is under investigation following accusations of embezzling public funds when he was Ethiopia’s health minister.
The big push from the WHO and the WEF is that “Disease X” will be catastrophic, so the destruction of freedom and independence among nation-states will be justified. A real war on terrorism would start with the WHO, the FDA, and the CDC. We are talking about uncountable millions killed by FDA decisions that only benefit the pharmaceutical industry. Civilization has it wrong, making Russia and Putin into mad monsters. I say that just because we ignore the real mad monsters back home. It is just money, power, and hate of human life that the FDA and WHO embrace. They are the enemy of human happiness. Of all human life.
Our public health officials in the FDA, the CDC,
and in other corners of the Department of Health and
Human Services, lie about everything they’re responsible for.
James Howard Kunstler
Behind the FDA’s, Pfizer’s, and Moderna’s office doors, the real enemy lives. Twenty years ago, I coined the term pharmaceutical terrorism, which is an essential concept if one is to understand the world of medicine and how badly people are being hurt by it. A careful study of pharmaceutical and medical terrorism entails taking a trip into the darkest places that exist in humanity. It all adds up to creating an army of medical practitioners who inflict illness rather than healing, as COVID-19 vaccines have made clear.
There is nothing more vicious than terrorism carried
out through medicine. Nothing crueler. Nothing eviler.
Contemporary medicine has become the practice of pharmaceutical terrorism. Too many doctors think they know better how other people’s lives should be lived or ended. “The FDA has assumed for itself Godlike power, requiring that its official approval be obtained before any substance can legally be used to prevent and treat disease. Therefore, the FDA’s legal-regulatory control is totalitarian and Napoleonic in construct; what it does not explicitly permit as a medicine is forbidden,” writes Sayer Ji, founder of Medicine kills more people than any other form of terrorism.
Doctors, their medical organizations, and the great pharmaceutical companies practice a sinister form of medicine that directly causes suffering and pain in people’s lives. Thus, I am not surprised when James Howard Kunstler writes that modern medicine is a hostage racket:
“Medicine is now a catastrophe every bit as pernicious as the illnesses it is supposed to treat and a grave threat to a nation that we’re supposed to care about. If you thought banking in our time was a miserable racket — which it is, of course, and by “racket,” I mean a criminal enterprise — then so-called health care has it beat by a country mile, with an added layer of sadism and cruelty built into its operations. Nobody in the system will say what anything costs, and nobody wants to because it would break the spell that they work in an honest, legit business. The services are provided when the customer is under the utmost duress, often life-threatening, and the outcome, even in a successful recovery from illness, is financial ruin that leaves a lot of people better off dead. The system is one of engineered criminality. It is inflicting ruin on millions.”