We are now at a point when risk is at its maximum. Most of modern civilization is part of a desperate empire that cannot tolerate people speaking the truth about anything. It is a most dangerous moment. However, the dangers have been multiplying for decades but are exploding before our eyes. Robert Kennedy said, “We are closer to the brink of nuclear exchange than at any time since 1962 and the neocons and the White House don’t seem to care at all.”
In the United States, Federal debt is growing exponentially. What is also certain is that deficits in the US are continuing to expand. This is an absolute catastrophe. However, all the printed dollars, all the credit expansion, all the weapons, and warmongering by the US will not stop the US and the Western world from going bankrupt. But the nuclear news is even more dire.
Ukrainian pilots fly F-16 warplanes in
combat for first time in fight against Russia
On the 27th of August, “Russia said the West was playing with fire by considering allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with Western missiles and cautioned the United States on Tuesday that World War Three would not be confined to Europe.”
Former DIA intelligence officer and author of “Putin’s Playbook,” Rebekah Koffler, told Fox News Digital that following Ukraine’s incursion into Russia, “Technically, a tactical nuclear strike can be justified under the Russian doctrine, given that Russia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity have been violated.”
Zelensky warns Ukraine will soon be able to attack ‘any part’ of Russia
President Biden approved in March a new nuclear strategic plan that includes preparations for a simultaneous nuclear war with Russia, China, and North Korea, The New York Times reported in August.
Britain Claims To Have Helped With the Ukrainian Invasion of Russia
It does seem that the Zio-Anglo-American Axis is hellbent on an extremely hot phase of World War III. And they don’t care if it goes nuclear—worldwide. Medically speaking, the hot war started in 2020 with the release of a bioweapon called COVID-19, which was just an excuse to release the real bioweapon in the form of genetic mRNA vaccines. The world can now be divided between those who believe mRNA is safe and effective and those who think it’s the worst thing modern medicine has ever endorsed.
Russian nuke bombers rush NATO border as World War 3 tensions rise is the headline. In a post on social media last week, Germany’s Air Force confirmed that it had deployed fighters to intercept the Russian planes as they navigated overseas bordering NATO nations.
How the Russia-Ukraine War Could Go Nuclear–By Accident
A nuclear tragedy could be “dangerously close,” according to the UN’s top nuclear watchdog. “Let me put it plainly–two years of war are weighing heavily on nuclear safety at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant,” said Rafael Mariana Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). “…Reckless attacks must cease immediately.”
The lack of regard for nuclear exclusion zones by Moscow and Kyiv has set a dangerous precedent. There is always a latest incident at Zaporizhzhia. The safety situation at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is deteriorating after a drone strike on a nearby road, the United Nations’ energy watchdog warned in early August.
On the 23rd, a Ukrainian drone carrying an anti-tank grenade attempted to reach the Kursk nuclear power plant overnight, news agency TASS reported on Friday, citing a local police source. The unmanned aerial vehicle was intercepted by electronic warfare countermeasures and downed near a spent nuclear fuel storage facility.
It Could All Come Down to 3.2 Kilometers
It’s wrong to drop nuclear weapons on people, and if you find yourself
arguing that it’s a good thing to drop nuclear weapons on people,
then you are evil. It’s not a tough one, right? It’s not a hard call for me.
The Strait of Hormuz is a narrow strip of water that links the Persian Gulf to the rest of the world. It’s the world’s most crucial energy corridor, and no alternative route exists. If the world’s collective anger comes down on this straight, at its narrowest point, the space available for shipping lanes is just 3.2 kilometers wide, chaos and massive suffering will visit humanity.
Five of the world’s top 10 oil-producing countries—Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait—border the Persian Gulf, as does Qatar, the world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter. The Strait of Hormuz is their only sea route to the open ocean and world markets.
Thanks to its commanding geography and expertise in unconventional and asymmetric warfare, Iran can shut down the Strait, and there’s not much anyone can do about it. But it would be an instant invitation to all-out war with way too many nuclear buttons around the world.
How High Can Food Prices Go?
Short of a nuclear exchange, imagine the world if oil shot 300 to 400 % higher and how high food prices would go and how many people would starve and even freeze to death if the Straight of Hormuz was shut down.
With nuclear arms, it could
all end in the blink of an eye.
The foundation of the American economy is cracking, and the warning signs are impossible to ignore. As the gap between earnings and the cost of living widens, the question isn’t if we’ll face another financial crisis—it’s when. Will World War 3 come as the most dangerous red herring in history?
After a major nuclear conflict, nothing will work and no place will be safe. Most water becomes radiated, and dead bodies will be everywhere. The sun disappears behind a cloud of particulate matter that hangs between the Earth and the rest of the solar system, plunging the planet into a short but devastating ice age.
Some feel that only a miracle will save the world from cataclysm. It does seem that we are standing on the edge of an abyss. The fate of the world rests in the hands of leaders who are clearly psychotic and who harbor death wishes for the rest of us.
Postscript – The Government Bombed the U.S. First
At the time, U.S. President Harry Truman called it “the greatest scientific gamble in history,” saying the rain of ruin from the air would usher in a new concept of force and power. What he didn’t mention was that the federal government had already tested this new force on U.S. soil.
Just weeks earlier in southern New Mexico, the early morning sky erupted with an incredible flash of light. Windows rattled hundreds of miles away and a trail of fallout stretched to the East Coast.
Ash from the Trinity Test rained down for days. Children played in it, thinking it was snow. It covered fresh laundry that was hanging out to dry. It contaminated crops, singed livestock and found its way into cisterns used for drinking water.