If you want to live forever, know that enduring youth can be yours with enough oxygen. Dr. Arthur C. Guyton says, “All chronic pain, suffering, and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at the cell level.” Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy, resulting in anything from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease. “Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the immune system,” said Dr. Parris M. Kidd. Low oxygen conditions lead directly to inflammation. Chronic inflammation mirrors our body’s low oxygen state.
Anything that threatens the oxygen-carrying capacity of the human body will promote inflammation and cancer growth. Hypoxia (low oxygen) is a potent activator of inflammation, and inflammation is the most common cause of tissue hypoxia and decreased circulation. Inflammation and hypoxia feed on each other.
The presence of hypoxia and inflammation characterizes cancer. All types of inflammation can cause cancer, and inflammatory responses play decisive roles at different stages of tumor development, including initiation, promotion, malignant conversion, invasion, and metastasis. Low levels of oxygen typically characterize inflamed and injured tissues.
In all severe disease states, we find a concomitant low oxygen state.
Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator of disease.
Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the
fundamental cause for all degenerative diseases.
Dr. Stephen Levine – Molecular Biologist
When oxygen levels fall, things get dangerous on a cell level because, at low levels, gene expression changes. HIF-1a regulates the expression of at least 30 genes when oxygen levels are low. Mix in magnesium deficiency and all hell breaks loose.
Thousands of chemicals starve cells of oxygen.
Chronic disease is associated with loss of voltage, lower pH values (acid conditions), and low O2 and CO2 levels. Voltage drops wherever the body becomes acidic, as do tissue oxygen levels. Treating cancer with acids (chemotherapy) is insane, and it is a wonder anyone lives through it.
So oxygen is the key to everything, yet carbon dioxide holds the reins on oxygen. CO2 completely dominates oxygen; oxygen delivery to the cells is maximized if enough carbon dioxide is around. Hydrogen added to the mix brings magic to oxygen.
CO2 is the most powerful way to release armies of
oxygen into the cells. It is CO2 that liberates
oxygen for healing. It is CO2 that makes oxygen safe.
So, we must focus on oxygen and why it tends toward deficiency (hypoxia). Yet, up to this point, our focus has been on CO2. My almost-finished new book, Medical Miracles with Carbon Dioxide and Bicarbonates, focuses on increasing oxygen by administering carbon dioxide gas and bicarbonates in water.
The virulence of cancer cells is directly proportional
to their loss of oxygen utilization, and with
this to the degree of blockage of the respiratory chain.
Red blood cells have been reported to shrink and become stiffer under hypoxic conditions,[i] leading to a downward spiral in oxygen transport and delivery. So, “Early detection and correction of tissue hypoxia is essential if progressive organ dysfunction and death are to be avoided. However, hypoxia in individual tissues or organs caused by disordered regional distribution of oxygen delivery or disruption of cellular oxygen uptake and utilization processes cannot be identified from global measurements. Regional oxygen transport and cellular utilization are important in maintaining tissue function. When tissue hypoxia is recognized, treatment must be aimed at the primary cause,” concluded Drs. R M Leach, D F Treacher.[ii]
Multiple Causes of Low Oxygen (Hypoxia)
Fast over-breathing and low carbon dioxide levels are just the tip of the iceberg regarding low oxygen hypoxic conditions that eventually lead to cancer. Recognition of inadequate oxygen delivery to the cells can be problematic in the early stages because the clinical features are often non-specific.
Progressive metabolic acidosis, hyperlactatemia, falling mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2), and organ-specific features are not usually noticed until it’s too late and severe disease sets in. Speaking from the perspective of intensive care, Drs. R M Leach, D F Treacher say, “Prevention, early identification, and correction of tissue hypoxia are necessary skills in managing critically ill patients. This requires an understanding of oxygen transport, delivery, and consumption.”[iii]
Without oxygen, our brain, liver, and other organs can be damaged just minutes after symptoms start. Hypoxemia (low oxygen in your blood) can cause hypoxia (low oxygen in your tissues) when your blood doesn’t carry enough oxygen to your tissues to meet their needs. The word hypoxia is often used to describe both problems.
Researchers found that an increase of 1.2 metabolic units (oxygen consumption) was related to a decreased risk of cancer death, especially in lung and gastrointestinal cancers. Many reasons, common to large segments of populations, pull oxygen levels down, with one or two or more of these reasons present in many, if not all, who are chronically ill.
Radiation exposure leads to hypoxic conditions because so much oxidative stress is created. Local recurrence and distant metastasis frequently occur after radiation therapy. Evidence obtained from radiochemical and radiobiological studies has revealed these problems to be caused, at least in part, by tumor-specific microenvironment hypoxia.[iv]
Faster, deeper breathing exhales more carbon dioxide. The cell oxygen level is reduced when we breathe more than the norm (which is the case for over 90% of people today).
Another reason cells lose oxygen is high sugar intake. Otto Warburg said glucose reduces a cell’s ability to use oxygen. One of the principal ways sugar does this is by creating inflammation in the capillaries and other tissues, thus cutting down on oxygen delivery to the cells.
Magnesium Deficiency and Low Oxygen
Magnesium is an essential factor in oxygen transport and utilization. Another chapter is dedicated to this vital subject.
Iodine and Oxygen
Though doctors and people do not usually associate iodine with oxygen, we must see that iodine-carrying thyroid hormones are essential for oxygen-based metabolism. First, iodine and thyroid hormone increases red blood cell mass and oxygen disassociation from hemoglobin.[v]
Thyroid hormones have a significant influence on erythropoiesis, which is the process that produces red blood cells (erythrocytes). The most common thyroid dysfunctions, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism affect blood cells and cause anemia with different severity.
Thyroid dysfunction and iodine deficiency induce other effects on blood cells, such as erythrocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and, in rare cases, pancytopenia.
Thyroid hormone increases oxygen consumption and mitochondrial size, number, and critical mitochondrial enzymes. This means that iodine increases plasma membrane Na-K ATPase activity, increases futile thermogenic energy cycles, and decreases superoxide dismutase activity. This leads us to conclude that iodine is essential and should be used as a required part of every medical protocol.
Sulfur and Oxygen
Sulfur is required for the proper structure and biological activity of enzymes. The enzymes cannot function properly if you don’t have sufficient amounts of sulfur. This can cascade into several health problems since, without biologically active enzymes, your metabolic processes cannot function properly.
Sulfur enables the transport of oxygen across cell membranes. These elements have similar electron configurations because sulfur is directly below oxygen in the periodic table. Sulfur forms many compounds that are analogs of oxygen compounds, and it has a unique action on body tissues. It decreases the pressure inside the cell. In removing fluids and toxins, sulfur affects the cell membrane.
Sulfur is present in all cells and forms sulfate compounds with sodium, potassium, magnesium, and selenium. In addition to eliminating heavy metals, organic sulfur regenerates, repairs, and rebuilds all the cells in the body. For all these reasons, sulfur is vital in the cells receiving all the oxygen they need. For critically ill patients, I recommend lipid-based sulfur.
A Lack of Sunlight
UV increases nitric oxide and blood vessel relaxation in animals, allowing oxygen to diffuse into tissues better. UV is needed to utilize oxygen in the blood. UV increases free endothelial NOS/eNOS (in vessels/capillaries) and total neuronal NOS/nNOS (in neurons).
Hemoglobin contains the same porphyrin ring as chlorophyll, though chlorophyll’s is coordinated by a magnesium atom instead of an atom of iron. Given chlorophyll’s role as the light-processing molecule of plants, hemoglobin thus appears to be unusually well-equipped to absorb and process light.
According to a leading researcher of biophotons, German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp, light is constantly being absorbed and remitted by DNA molecules within each cell’s nucleus. These bio-photons create a dynamic, coherent web of light. The laser-like coherence of the bio-photon field is a significant attribute, making it a prime candidate for exchanging information in a highly functional, efficient, and cooperative fashion.
Lower Blood Pressure and Poor Circulation
Oxygen is transported through the blood; insufficient blood goes to the brain with low blood pressure. Remember, you need force to pump blood against gravity, and gravity is against you when you stand. It is necessary to have good blood flow to get enough blood to the brain to deliver oxygen.
Heavy Metals
The structure of hemoglobin is easily compromised by heavy metals like mercury. All carcinogens directly or indirectly impair respiration by deranging capillary circulation and interfering with many of the workings of cells that they easily penetrate.
Low oxygen is caused by a sympathetic or fight-or-flight system that is in overdrive. People under stress tend to breathe shallowly. People with anxiety often hyperventilate. Over time, chronic stress can tax the respiratory system, particularly for those with pre-existing pulmonary diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This increases heart and breathing rates, making breathing shallow and fast, causing low oxygen levels in the blood.
How much more oxygen is at sea level?
The percentage of oxygen is the same at all altitudes, 21%; however, it is 21% of a smaller number as one goes higher. The barometric pressure at sea level is 760 mmHg, and at 10,000 ft, it is 534 mmHg. According to altitude researchers, we lose 3 percent of inhaled oxygen molecules for every 1,000 vertical feet traveled. To compensate for the lack, travelers inhale more frequently and can feel out of breath.
Altitude (feet) |
Altitude (meters) |
Effective Oxygen % |
5000 ft |
1524 m |
17.3 % |
6000 ft |
1829 m |
16.6 % |
7000 ft |
2134 m |
16.0 % |
8000 ft |
2438 m |
15.4 % |
How much does altitude affect oxygen saturation?
Visitors coming to Summit from sea level might see their oxygen saturation drop to around 88% or lower before reaching levels typical at this elevation. Any oxygen saturation below 100% is considered low, while measurements in the mid-80s could be a genuine health concern. Below 80%, organ function is disrupted.
Types and Phases of Hypoxia- Lessons From The Air
There are many physiological factors to consider in hypoxia. While the cells in our body can die without enough oxygen, the most immediate threat is the effect hypoxia has on the brain and motor functions.
Hypoxia sets in slowly, and often, we don’t realize anything is wrong. For a pilot, it gives them euphoria, making them feel good, slows down their reaction times, and impairs their judgment, occasionally leading to catastrophic results.
The 4 Types of Hypoxia
While hypoxia means “lack of oxygen,” it is just a blanket term. There are several types of hypoxia, each with its causes and effects.
- Hypoxic
- Hypemic
- Stagnant
- Histotoxic
The different types of hypoxia are determined by their causes, such as insufficient oxygen supply, compromised transportation of oxygen, or the inability of the body to absorb oxygen.
What is Hypoxic Hypoxia?
Hypoxic Hypoxia is the lack of oxygen available to the body. Choking and drowning are extreme examples of ways oxygen can be cut off from the body. For pilots, flying at high altitudes is what leads to Hypoxic Hypoxia. Because the air density decreases as altitude increases, there are fewer oxygen molecules for the body to absorb.
What is Hypemic Hypoxia?
Hypermic hypoxia is when the body cannot transport sufficient available oxygen. The primary purpose of the blood cell is to transport oxygen and waste products back and forth between the lungs and the rest of the organs in the body.
If there is an insufficient amount of blood cells that are available to carry oxygen, this results in Hypermic Hypoxia. A decrease in blood volume from extreme bleeding or blood disease like anemia can lead to Hypermic Hypoxia.
What is Stagnant Hypoxia?
Fighter pilots routinely experience stagnant hypoxia during maneuvers. Stagnant hypoxia is when there is a sufficient supply of oxygen in the bloodstream, but cannot move throughout the body. Everyone has experienced an arm or leg “falling asleep” caused by a constriction of blood flow that gives us that tingling sensation we all dread. That is a perfect example of Stagnant Hypoxia.
A constricted blood vessel or blockage can also cause the blood flow to stop, along with shock and heart-related issues. Fighter pilots experience various types of hypoxia during extreme maneuvers, but in particular, Stagnant Hypoxia is the most common.
In some instances of high G loading, blood flow can be forced out of the brain, but the heart is not strong enough to pump against the forces. This leads to a blackout, again caused by stagnant blood flow, resulting in Stagnant Hypoxia.
What is Histotoxic Hypoxia?
Histotoxic Hypoxia is when oxygen-rich blood usually flows, but the organs can’t use it. Narcotics and certain poisons, like cyanide and hydrogen sulfide, can cause Histotoxic Hypoxia, which is rare in pilots.
The most significant risk is from pilots drinking alcohol. As little as one ounce of alcohol can make the body feel 2,000 feet higher than it is. This is why it is imperative not to drink before (or during) flying, as the onset of hypoxia can increase dramatically at lower altitudes than one would anticipate.
Hypocapnia (hypocapnia, also known as hypocarbia) is a carbon dioxide deficiency in the arterial blood. This is a primary respiratory symptom. Most medical sources define hypocapnia as less than 35 mm Hg for partial CO2 pressure in the arterial blood. The arterial CO2 value for normal resting breathing is 40 mm Hg (or about 5.3% CO2 partial pressure at sea level).
Oxygen therapy is as excellent as it is because more oxygen translates into more cellular healing and energy to help us feel relaxed and perform better in life. Significantly enough, when ample oxygen rushes into oxygen-deficient cells, oxygen is no longer the limiting reagent for detoxifying cellular poisons that have been accumulating.
Oxygen is invincible in its ability to give or take away life, and that goes as much for cancer cells as it does for healthy human cells. Oxygen can heal and kill, so it is perfect for infections of all types. Every ozone user knows this. One cannot stay physically present on earth forever, but eternal youth can be ours with enough oxygen until our time is up!
Oxygen and its sister, CO2, operate at the heart of life. Nothing is more fundamental to life, so the command of carbon dioxide and oxygen gives us almost everything we need to fight disease, aging, and cancer. Both gases come in handy in burn units and for any wound repair. But don’t forget to add hydrogen.
Oxygen beats back death, and that is why it is used so extensively in every emergency room and intensive care ward in the world. Palliative caretakers and hospices also utilize lots of oxygen. However, all present oxygen delivery systems provide low dosages when higher ones can be administered safely if enough CO2 is present.
[i] Int J Hyperthermia. 2010; 26(3): 232–246. Hypoxia-Driven Immunosuppression: A new reason to use thermal therapy in the treatment of cancer?
[ii] https://www.ucl.ac.uk/anaesthesia/StudentsandTrainees/OxygenDeliveryConsumption.pdf
[iii] https://www.ucl.ac.uk/anaesthesia/StudentsandTrainees/OxygenDeliveryConsumption.pdf
[iv] J. Radiat. Res., 52, 545–556 (2011) How Can We Overcome Tumor Hypoxia in Radiation Therapy?
[v] Ann Intern Med. 1971; 74 (4):632-633.